...In this fituation we had wherewithal to drink in plenty, but widj
folid food we were totally unprovided. "We bad,-npt feen even a partridge
throughput the d$y, and the tracks r.ofl;#^n'-48er.^at.
were of an oldxlate,’ We were, however, preparing tpvrn|ke ^ b<^qf
the branches of trees, where we foould have had no other banppy than,
that afforded us by the heavens, when we heard a foot, app fggfiröjter
another, which was thje.nOtice^ agreed upon, if Mr. Mackay pnd the -In-
dian ihould fee.thexano ctha t fortpnate circumfoance wa^^lfeffi^sfiWfd
by.,a retup^pf the figpaLfröm* the people,' I was* however. ,f(x fetiguM
from the heat and exe?oife o f the day* as well as-inggmmodqd fjrom
drinking fo much cold water, that Idid;giqgi-v|dfo,. 'to,
following morning; but the .Indian made, fuch. bitte^ ^Qmnlajnfs^pf,
the cold and hunger^ which he fuffered, that I cQmplied with his fplicir
jations to depart; and it was aknqft ■ dark when we reached the^gajpfe^
barefooted, and.drenched Ayith rain^ But thefp. incpnveniehtlif
me very little, when I faw ; m y fi^ p a c e . more-. furrounded with $${y:
people. They informed me, that the'c^pe had J|eeii t^rokph; and that
they had this day experienced much greater toil and hardfoips. than
on any former occafion. I thought it prudent to affeft^a belief ..of
every reprefentation that they made, and ..9&>
them with a conlblatory dram for,> however .diffiei4t^tefpa%ge.imghp ;
have been,; it was too foort to. have occupied , the. tvholgydfiy, if they
had not relaxed in their exertions. The rain;was
thunder and lightning.
It appeared from the various encampments which we had fepn, and
from feveral paddles we had found, that the natives frequent this part of
the'country”at the>littef’bnd oFbhëfammer and the^fall. The courfe ‘ 793-
M , b! . . , w m H H U M .Jane.
toïday.Was neatly Eaft’-oouth-Èalt'lwo hides 'and ah half, South'by Weft 1----»---1
Otietoile, South-South-Eaft mile' and, an half,'Eaft twï£ mxle^ and
SouthÆiftJlÿ- ?Söïïth ©n#-Érïîf©! •
... At halfi pasft .four this 'mêrriSrîg we- eôrftinùed otîr’ryôÿâgê,^öür-courfés ThwfdayS.
being SoufetóEaft by^'Shfittol®©: mile? Eaft bÿiSouth three? quarters of a
mile, Sbuth-Eaft by Eaft two ' miles'.. Thé whole of ^ffiif^aiftahce we
jitóceëdéd by jhaulfogithfe1 canoe frlbm bran&fr'fd btatfehi T h e ‘current
was fo ftrong, that it to ftem it wb?h-ïhe'paddlf^; the
depth .was'tto© grdatJto receive, any abidance from ^hSpolês, and the
bank of the river was fo’ cipfeîy lined with willows ahft 'other trfeés, that
it was impoffible Ifol eôïplpf the line. As'it&as paft tWélve before wé
could find a place that would allow of bur landing',' I Could nöt-get a
meridian altitude. We occupied the reft of the. dhÿ in repairing the
càhoe, drying our cloaths, and making paddles' and poles toz replace
thofe which had been broken or loft»
- The morning Was blear and calm ; and fincé we.hâd'béen at -this Flldaÿy:" -
‘ftàtion: the ifoafer had : rifen two ihchesT fó’ iha&hhfe'-eift-feht ‘■ became
ftilU ftron^er i and itsr Hfel^ty hadïblilèady';§eétó'fö gVeat ' as to-juf-
tify oumdefpam in 'gettihg up it/ if we had ttöf beê& fo tóng afccufi-
tdmed to furtnbunt it. I laftrniights obierVfdealt b& éÊ o tri f ! Jupiterls
firft: fat^ te , :but inadvertently *went>ï®ibed| %iSiéut >ëbmmitting .the
ejxaH time to writing: if my memory îs\eorréft,.Jfc was? 8. i8.‘ iö F j'
ÉjSÊÊÏê tifoé^îècé. Thé canoe/ wniçK fiàd ‘ been little, better . than?
a wreck, being now repaired, wé -pcoceeded ' Eaft.- two miles and a
C c 2 quarter,