opinion,* cÖhfribdte'd to its ruin. This;,trad'e Was carried oft ih à Vfc*y
äiftäni: Bui bf lEeEëàch ôlîë|àl refträibt-, ànd Whéffifhétewfe â
néé Ecopé given io âhÿwiÿs h rmëMii°in â£tâihi»|* âdyâhtâge. :,I-Thè
ÊBHÎfe^uëhdèWas nbf only thé IBfr o f ëôihhiérciâï bèhëflttöfM ^rishfc
éâgàpü'ifi ïf, Büt BF'tHe^oBti 'épMëh 'of iBé JiâtiiëSi idÔÔ 4 ië
their men, who were inclined to follow tHëi^ 'èÜiBpleE fo^that Witfrdtinki
ing^caroufing, and quarrelling with the Indians along their- rbü4ej hnd
âhibn^; tfiferhlélVes-, fflèÿ féfdlôtrt réâ'ëBeH iHéir^intèf Ijiîâftér#^ àfcfdrifàthey
Örai it was géüièrâiy fry Üräg^ifi^ tfrèir as tliè
fiàvigation Was doled Üp By Ahfe froft/- Whëfl ät lèiigthi we«é
ârriVè'd; tfîe BBjeft BF eâeh^âs tôihjlfre'fîifffvil ti’ädÄs'ffl thërdpitiiôn
frf thé riàüvës as m$BÊ as Was în thèir bÿ^
préfenfs, Fob Whîcn ïhé ageiiti 'ëfti^lö^ed wêrë peculiarly c al cul ate d.
They èdnfidérëd tfiéëfeihmànd^F théir émj5loyér â&bMdiOg Bhthêm,
and hoWfevêP wrdng oi rrCé^élar thé tfàhlàQ.îôô’/ thé rêfpônfihilfey^ëftèd
With thé pri&cipal who direSëd thehi. Thi» fè Indian l'aW. Thus- did
ihëÿ Wâftë tK6i¥âcredit and 'thétT'^ójtefïy^tb-théffeët#,,til 1 th e fir ft
Wàs pàft redemptiôn; and thé laft WäS nearly exhâùftéd {> lb that towards
the fpring in each year, the rival parties found it abfólütëly riecëffary
to join, and make one cBmPonflBck of what 8 8 n $ A ^ 4fe|t<äK>^U0 -
y>ofe df trading with thé natives, who could entertain no refpefi for
perfons who had conduöed themfelves with fo much irregularity and
deceit. The winter, therefore was ohé continued feene öfdifagreemenfe
and quarrels. If any one had the precaution or good fertfe to keep clear
of thefe proceedings, he derived a proportionable advantage from his
good cohduft, and Frequently proved a peace-makêr between the parties.
Tofuch an height had they carried this licentious condüô, that they
wm and- were ;evefl frequently. Hopped* t t
pay trihile.p^their>sov«e<iMathe country; though they:had-adopted
the plans ^travelling together in parties of thirty or forty capoes, and
keeping their men armed; which foraetimes, indeed, provéd necelfary
for their defence. ■
É*Thps;,wa#thg -tr^b carried oil for fever»!, years, andxörifequently be,
rfö mist them a* the
Grande,Portage-, naturally complained ©f their illfuoeefs. But fpecious
reafonsfyer^always ready to prove*that it arofe from circumftances
^hi^v^fy^on ld not at that mmiftomsAi and encouragements' were
held forth to hope that a schange would foon take place, which would
make ample amends for paft difappointments.
I L was. aWm this time, that Mr. Jofeph Fretbilher, one ©f the gentlemen
*m w 4 p p j f e i ^ determined ^ ió!o>tho-efluntry yét
unexplq^d,=^the. North and T F eftwd i and, in thi? jfpr&g of the; year
ISSe me,1 w^ ^ F om Churchill,
at Tnrtage de0 0 & M flo p that cireumftaneo o» thé banks of
.Weft. It was,-indeed, with fome difficulty that he could induce.them
to, trade with him, but he at length,procured as many furs as his
^pldagPiy* fuftpned^tWèry
hiftd fjf.hasdftip, inoidem .'to. a jwrmsiy, sthroaghj a wild and foliage
^m | iW h e r# , his Mfjfteaee-: dependeid. on wfeat;tthe Woods- and the
WW'ts .produced» Thefe difficulties,- hevesthelefs* did not difeoufage
hip Wop rpornjng hi the following year,'when ho was-equally fucëëfMul;
h I He