v_, - t— -)
Sunday 16.
Monday tj.
Tuefday 18.
able wsrevmore -feddyietriients^f The
Indians killed twelve geefoj and berries were»xD&e&ed in great abundance.
The weather was fultry tHrooghoattiieHay. ?
-Wecofoiifcurid ourvoyagfe 8$|a quarter* b^re>f<^,iai^^fiii0i hours
palled Ae* place* whbrd we had been flat ioried'om the* 1:3th ofi JunehfoHere
the river widened, and its fhores became flat. The land on The North
fide is low, composed of a black Foil, mixed with fldnes/ b'u t'agreeably
covered with the aipen, the poplar, the7while
The current was fo moderate, that we 'proceeded upon it almoft as fall ak
in dead water. At twelve we palled an encampment or llfre^firek', whidh
was the only one we few in the courfe oFtlie#ay.‘ 4 The^eatHeF'was^Spe
fame as yefterday.
We proceeded at half paft three; and few "three lucceffive eifcarnpments.
From the peculiar ftrUa'ure~oh the hiits,‘ we imagined' thaVfo&ef of tbe
Red-Knife Indians hadbeen in this part? o f the country\ though iFifnot
ufual for them to cofoe this way. t had laft 11^11^ ordered ‘the youi%
Indians to precede us, for the purpofe of hunting, and aFte^we overtook
them. They had'
prefented us with an eagle, thrfee" cranes' a fmall beaver^'and t^ogeeie/1'
We encamped at feven this evening on the famb fpot whici had been
our refting-place On the 29th of June." l
At four this morning I equipped all the Indians for an hupting ex-
curfion, and fent them onward, as ourRock of prdvifion wasnea^y e V
haufted. We followed at half paft fix, and crofted over to the-Morth
fhofe, where thé land is lowj and foir^ly ^ilible in the horizon. It ^7®^
was neat- twelve-'When wé arrived; I nowqgdt art ©bfêtyation, when it '---- r—~J
Was-êi Orth lath-tid^j We Were near*. five miles! td*&he Northdof
theimaWfeh§ndellof?t’l*'mivfer.; ThëTrëlfe franks arid bfeds'W*- buffaloes
Wëfe Wét y pêrceptifofê.'1 ' 'N«éàFThis plâ'ée afrivêr flowed in from the. Horn
mountains'whieh kite at* tfó' grteavfoifiancfe.* W e landed at five id'- tbe
afternoon* and befére ^hé'câôoe.was -hnfoa’dèd, thé'Ænglilh ichief »arrivéd
with the tongucol"- a? cö#,4- órvfëmalë^buffalo; Wherifour .men sand die
Indians'were difpatdHed for'the- Jefh; but they! did ndt .return tilFit
was' 'dkrky with five 'gëéfe/^They informed foe, that.they had feen lèverai
butaaridfacks in the fend on -the oppofiiefoifland* - The fine weather
continued withoud|btériü ptiön ;
The Indians wérd1' again fent forward iri purfurg öf*g§?fo%4' arid fome fWedntf. m
time being1 employed in gumming the eanOe, wëdidriot embark half
paft fivë, arid ■ 'kddfeé*‘;%ë! fended to w iit Ae^eturrri dfiithe-hifrtfors.* ! I
hijfefoundNhe- variation of the cofopafs 4etfbe about, twenty dëgreéâ
Ealt. •
WThe people made themfelves paddles^ and repaired the; canoe. ? ,It is
an extraordinary eircumftânce for whiêti* I ddriiöt pretend to actebunt,
thâ^thiré iéTolàè-ÿëcufiar! quality in thd-writer öf thiï»v iiVer,' which <k>r-
rodis?Jyfood, ■ from, the'dèftruSivh effeófc it had on Ah paddlesî^The
hunters arrived at a late t hour without ’having, feen any fef-ge anifoafe.
Their booty cpnfifted only, of three, fyans and as many geefe. j The
women were employed in gatheririg cranberrieS ànd Grôwberries/ Which |
were found in great; abundance. jj