We embarked before: four, landed itb
drefe viliahlsjv and wait'fobMb ;Le Roux and thfe Indians. i Afc'$lev,ei*fw£
^r®3eeddd.with-fiMe and*.calm weather! * AcWburdn. therkfoeraosm: hiijghp
breeze fptang up to the Southward, to which .we fpreadr bur fail, and #t
hffif jlaflfffivi irfthe afternoon went on Ib&ife for the ritgHtf<..JW«blfc§rt
le i our netW: The Englifc’ chief and His peoples being! quite, exhaufte<J
with "fatigue; hd tlB I iBorhiHgTixprfefi^d Jar deftrevio remain. behind, fin
pfclef to proceed’to the country o f the Beaver. Indians^ engaging; afcdhb
feme time that The would rgtdrti tb Athabafcain thecouMh of’the winter»
It blew very hard, throughout the nighlf fhd this mdfmn^'fO' that we
found -it a bulihefs of fome difficulty ta 'get to our mets ;oo>ur trorffilfi
however, whs repaid by a confiderable quantity :qf white fife; trout, &q»
Toward^fhtbffierftobn the wind insereafed. T wo b f’ stbb;i raeh wStf hhd
been gathermgbemCS^few two hiboi&adeeiV wifflt the trades o f huffeloes
and rfelh-Bee#, Aboiit fun-fef we a ftrebpthe
oppotetefedeof the bay? we accordingly mad^n fe rg e ift^ lfb j that bur
pofition might be determined. When we were alf gdnfc to beffiiwe heard
the report o f a guri very near us, and id a very fhort time thelEnglilh
chief prefented himfelf drenched with tretji fandc iniikueh apparent
eonfiffiem-^informed me that the catfofc with hisrdcbmpdniOMS was
broken to pieces; and that they had loft 'their--foVdingrTpkce^. and
the flelh of a rein-deer, which'they had killeeTthis mbhirng^4* They
were, heifeid, at a'very ffiort diftawce from -vd'*, and at thefjfeme time
requeued thatf,firermight be font to them, asrtbisy were flarving with
cold. ' T h e y and his women, however, foon |oined' usy dnd: were'immediately
accommodated with dry clothes. •»
I fent
fpefs?; and they ^pfe€bd,Jtbeir detfir,qainatioii!not to followme any further,
•from ^hpir,apprehgnfiCfeofibqing c|ra\yned.
W#em|>atfeiat #ie this morning, ahektobfeifr am the nets a large trbuitj Siwday po.
add -twebty whtte fi&.- -At fu»rtife;aTmart aft breeze fprang up, which
wafted us to' M. :I ^ !Rodx%ffioufehy two:ini the afternboii^ I It was late
bqforehfeand our• IndiansarrivedT^whOn, according to apBomife Which
I had -mad© the * latter; ligand then* aptemftfuf,equipment-qf iron ware,
amhidnitibn'/ jtOfeabd<$b<&b/ ^ ^ ree^^add'foif the toil and inconveah
enqothey had ftiftained ,withr mei -
I p<pdpOfed*--tO! the Ehglilh chief to proceed do the' eourit%^-af the
Btaveh Indians'; afld^brmg^fchemuto difp©fe.tb f their/vpdteries <to M. Le -
Roux,-Wbdm t :-int^nded?i«o leave•\there the '.enfomg i winter.;-' *Hehad
already *ei$f&§edy to be at Athabasca, in the month jof March , next,
hi I fat up all night to make the neceflary arrangements for th#|eimburkh> ??,onda>r &V
• tion of this morning, and* td prepare iaflm4 ii©ns&&r M. Le Romxi. . We
.obtained Jqn^eprQ>pfiqn%hesre^ and,parted from hinyat fiyA^with fine calm
weather. . St fobn,nhowgvers beca&ie:rteceffary.to: feridon:ad'mall;ifland,
ifopsihe leakage'Of t te eanbejiWMeh'kkdffie€^ib©ca& %of of an
awblr undep4hd^a^f:ma^kiffiyfbhse''Ih^ait‘childreia.; While thisr>teuhnefs
“was- proce’edi ng, wfe «©Ok* the'opportunity .of dreffimgtfesie ififei' At .t welve
dhe wjfldTpra-Bg^upE-ffcffinPihd iSputh-Eaft, whichvwasvkii ihe teesh o f our
dire&ion, ffi that oUPffMgrtll greatly impeded./ Thad khoobfervatiofl,
, Q a , which