was a forodingrlino,, whicfil intended 4p, have, eipplqjsed 4 ji: this bay,
tjbo.qgli I, IhouhLupt jjrplp&bly hav© found t^e bottom, at any «diftaw©
from thc fliQr©? as tfie appe^rupcg both of the water and fend indicated
agrgatdeptb, appeared
tp me,. frpin Xcf feven hundred Ret above high water mark..* • Wher©
any fpij was .Rattered about, there »were ^dafa* %ru§&di^%4 ^hit8 feirch,
apd trtbpt jB&gg o f large grpwth. nita pyecipiofs iffuod ftreams ©f
fine water, a? ?;nld as i<?ef w
The two canoes which w,e had left at ou,r laft fiatjjon, followed ,us
hither," and when jh©y wey© preparing to depart, our young chief ena-
barked with them. I was determined,nowever, to prevent his .eftape,
aqd OonmeJIgd him» hyaftual force, to com© on. fhore. for J t,h<augfit it
much fietterto jncur his difpleafpr©, than to fuffer him tjO( expose hitefelf
to any nntoward accident apaong ftrangers, or to return to his father be*
fore us, Tfie men in tjie canoe made figns for him to go oyeyJh^bdf,
aqd that they would take fiim on board aJt tbRpjhqy fidÊnf it, A-s I
w^ neepffanly engaged m otfier matters, I defired, n^y, Dgopl&j tot take
care that he fhould not run away; but they,peremptorily refufed -to b,e
empfoye^l in Reepinghina aeaipft his wiUv I was, therefore.reduced tp
the neceffity o f watyhipg hiyn rnyfglfi
I took fiwe jakitedes, and A n mead o f -them Was '{rft)!
at 3. 5. 53. in the afternoon, by the watch, which makes it flow apparent
time ' 1“
Jn the f&önöön it was' . 1 21 jRSf 2 44 ’ i i I
Mean of both i.(1 22 11
Difference nine hours going o f the time-piece flow / 8
, 1 22 | i§
I obferved ah emerfion of Jupiter’s third fatellite, which gave 1793.
8° 321 *' 21" different^: of longitude. I then obferveddri errterfion of Jupi- 1--- v~
ter’s firft fatellite,'which gave 8. 31. 48. The mean of thefe obfervatiOns
is 8q- 32‘s2'4whicKfeeq,ual'fo ‘ 1 %8(':H Weft ,of Greenwich.
I had hoW determined -rny fi'ttiatibri; whiefris the radfl fojrtutiMd rift
ehWf'ftdtiFe^f'f§y^long,'-painfM, and" peritduyjObrHeyyfes k fo W cfondy
days Wddld have prevented me froth afcertiirfrrfg the final longitude of it.*
At tw>fe$veft' WatS high water, but the tide did hot fcdifle within a foot
ahdtefr ha$fw the hfgh watef hiark of laft fright. AS foofraS I had completed
my*db1e#vati6ns, Wd left this ‘plate1: it was then ten d’-dlock in the
aiteMi§oil.' We returned the fame W&y that we and though the
tide was running Aut very ftrdrig, by keeping eldfe'itt with the noeks, we
pro’ceened at a confiaerable’ r'ate^d&my people were very anxious to get
out o f the teach Of the inhabitants of this eoaft.
Durihg ouf coiirfe we few feVefal fires dtt the land to the' Southward, Tuefday 23.
aird'^fter the day dawned, their ftrrokes were vifible. At half paft four
Inis tfiOriiing we'arrived at;bur ehte'ampment of the night of the 21ft,
whibh had beeh named Porcupine GoVe. The tide was Out; and con*
fiderabfy lowei1 than we found it when We were here before; the high-
* Mr; 'MSares' was &Bd^uHiteaily wrohg ill the idea, fo poStivtJy infiftefl b il by Ui iili in-liig voyage,
that ,Uiere; was a North-W^ftjjgafflge to p^erSouttwaird o f fiacty^aihe degrees and ail h i lf o f latitude, as
■ IJatter m yfejf has % n pfotred':.liy niy fdfm:er3voy|g|';r:'^Wr c i i f refrlfft W o# e ip ? l| in ^ to y turprfle
at his affertion, that there was an inla:nd;leif;or 'a;rchipelago of. great extent,between tiiaiflands o f Nootka
and the main, about the latitude where I| ^vds at .this tj'mei Indeed. I ..'have been informed that
Captaiin Grey, who commanded an.A'r^ferican, veffel, Snd on whole ^uthonty; hej.^ntUTed th^s opinion;,
denies ¥h"Sft' he had.given Mr. Meares any fuiqh;, dnfprin'atipn. Belides, the' contrary is indubitably
proved by Captain Vancouver's furvey, from which no appeal can be made.