‘ 79s- mile, backed South-South-Eaft • | $| ' |l p - thriel e quarI te' r s' o• f a mile, South-South-
1---v— ' Weft half a mile, South by Eaft a quarter ofta mile; and Sohth-Weft by**
South three quarters of a mife.,. Here the;wàter had fallen conftderably;
fo that feveral mud and fand-banks were vifible. There- Was alfo an hill
ahead, Weft-South-Weft.' '
-‘ •Thé weather wàs fo hazÿ thàt weéôuld nOtfëeacrdlsthe river, which
is here about two hundred ÿâfds: Widé. ,*sWéî iiSëW proceeded South' by
Wèft-dhë tMrdfbf a miïéVwhêri wé faw a ‘edl^dfèraWbqûa|ïti^f^bëàçyer
workalbhg thè hanks^ N 6 lfh -W ^h * ^è î|;flîïaif a-' mile^SbtïtR^WeflMby
Weft ôhe mile ' àn d-an -'Half^'South-South-Weft Onh ■ third'îfiOfva'1 mile;
Wèft by South ôtiê third of ^ South by Eaft half a mile. Mourir*
tains* rofebrï the lèftj immediately à b c ^ i ' e '
covered with fuo#V- Soüfh-Weft half a^pile/Sputh a quarter of>:a-'ftsïe*
South-Eaft -ohé third bf a-mile, ‘ Sbifth-Sohth-W^ftdSE aièaikînii’S e re
arë■ feverai iflànds; ' Wethèn veered-to Weft by SOuth.a third ofi-'a: mile,
South-South-Eaft a fixth of a maderocky,
and covered with wood, Weft South-Weft one mile, a fmall river
running in from the South-Eaft,,» South-Weft half a mile, South-three
' quarters of a mile, South-Weft half a mile, South by Weft half a mile.
Here a rocky point protrudes from ;the left, and < narrows the hiver td an
hundred yards' ; South-Eaft half a mile/EaftbySouthoneeighth of a
mile. The current now was very ftrong, but perfeftly .fafe, South-Eaft
by South an eighth of a mile, Weft by North one third ©fa mile, .South
hy Weft a twelfth of a -mile, South-Weft one fourth of a: rhile./ Here
the high land terminates on one fide o f the river, while rocks rife to »a
eonfiderable height immediately above the Other, and the channel widens
to an hundred and,fifty yards, Weftiby^outh one-mile.. The river now 1
narrows again betw^ee&xepksfoftaimodeEate.fteights North-North-Eaft an '
eighth of a mile/veered .to Souths Weft, Sin,, eighth jpf a mile, South, and
South-Weft half aunile.i Thd eoyntry appealed t q , « 1 as ' far as I
.’could tjudge ©f it .from the'candef ,as- t'hefview-is cqrifined by woods at
Jthe- diftance ©f’aboiitvam.'’hundred yafd® J # p lSthe, banks, Ourppurfe
ksontinued Weft % .North, fiwq rmdes^Qjth -half a mi'lp,^qrth,^:eft a
’quartef of a dfe^Bouth--Weft'two miles;,North-Weft three quarters of a
.mile ;ftwhen a ri4ge^:high/-lahd'-appe^|^i^this^dire£tion, Weft one
•mild. A fmalhriver.Iowed in;from the North,,SoU>th,a quarter of a mile,
-Ndrfch-;Weft halfta mife^So,uth-Sauth-WeftOw>Otmilesva'ncl an-halft'South-
i’Eaft three quarters -ofa mile,fhAVufet,loft itfelfinthe mgin ftreamJiFeft-
rNoith-Weft»half a: miba.. Herefthe eurcenf, tokened, .and we proceeded
' South-South-Wefothree quaiiteW-ofia rriile,.Southr>V0 . thre.e quarters of
-a mifo5 South by Eaft three quarters.ofamile^South-E^ft.byTafLone mile,
•when it vekfe'd gradually^© WeftNbrth-Weffthalfa.mile; the.river being
Tuft oftiftands.*5 Weiproceeded'due North, with little; current,.the river
fprefehtihgt^beautiful fheet.©f;waterifo^aimile and an half, South-Weft
,!by Weft one mile, Weft-North-Weft onejrafte^hen it veered .round to
• Sbuth-Eaft-efne mile, Weft.by Northfoiiemjle,,SouthrEaft;one mile,. Weft
•by' North thftbe quarters of-a mile1#-South .one/ eighth pf-a mile, when we
eame'to an .Indian.cabin of late/ereaion. ' Herq was.Jtheigreat .fprk, of
which ouy guide had informed us, and it appeared.tOjbe ^n^rgeft branch
from the South,Eaft. It is about half a, milqfti brea?Jt%f and affumes the
• form of a lake./;The .current .was very, flack, and we- got into the middle
■ '©ft the channel;-when wfe AeeredTOh 'and/pundfediiaftprteen,. feet water.
■ Ai ridge- oft'hi&h daadtnpt».- ^r% ’;^crpfe:;our prefeat.
./• direction