September We embanked at -five in the morning, and our canoe was damaged
TACjfaxy J on ^ bearing it over the carryiaghplacev
called Portage du tChetique. The guide repaired Mr however;
while the other men were ’ employed in carrying the baggage. »The
' canoe wasgummed at the carrymg-piaee,na>med the PvrhagededaMt)n~
tagne. After bavhsg spaded the darr-jlinig places? ?we encamped afeibe
Dog River; at? half paft fournn the^afternoon? iii a flateic£‘gMatife:|igiid;
The canoe was again gummed, and paddles were made to replace thofe
that had-been broken ki afisending the rapids» A fwan was -the!* only
animal we kiiledithroughout the day;
Thurfdayio. $) T bertwa s rain'and violent wind daring .the in* the mOm^
i% the former fubfidcd and the latter increafedJ At haiTpajflyftve
we continued our coarfe with a North-Weft edy wind; : A t;.fe s^ i ;we
hoifted fail : in the forenoon there were -foe^ent flpoWers Of »rfin
and hail, and in the afternoon two fh©wer^frTnow4fi the wind was at
this time -very ftrong, and at fix in the evening we landed at a lodge
o f Xjufteneaax, eohfi#j®g of three, men and five women and ehiidse«.
They were on their return from war, and one of them was very fixrk :
they feparated from the reft of their party in the enemy’s comttry, (from
abfolute hunger. After this reparation, they met with a family of the
hotefe. tribe, whom they deftroyed. They were entirely ignorant ©f^the
fete of their friends, but imagined, that they had?aeturned* .to the iteace
River, or had pewlhed for want of food. I gave -medicine toAbe&k;*
* This man had conceived an idea, that the people with whom he ha‘d"been "at war, had thrown
-medicine at him, which had can feel his pnsfent’complaint,-and that he defpaired of-recovery. The
natives are fo fuperftitious, that this idea alone was fufficient to k ill him. O f this weaknefi I took advantage
and a fmall portion of ammunition to.the healthy ? which, indeed, they.
very rtfu^h wanted, as' they1 had entirely lived for the laft fix months On 1 v 1
the produce of their boWs and. arrows. They appeared to have been
great* Offerers by their expedition.
Jr froze hard during the nightfand was, very cold throughout the Friday u .
day, with an- appearance of fnow. We embarked at half paft four in
the morning, and * continued our couxfe. tall fix in, the evening,-when
wd-landed for the night at our encampment of the third of June.
The weather* was- cloudy and aHo very cold.* At eight we em- Saturday 1%.
barked with a Nor;th-Eaft -.wind, and entered* the^Lake of the -Hills.
Abou v ten, * the' wind-Veered to theiWeftward, and was as* ftrong as we
c'diiid.bear it With the high fail, fo' that »w& arrived at Ghepewyan fort by
three 6?clook in the .afternoon, where We found Mr. Macleod, with five
men, buffly* employed in building a" new houfe. Here, then, we con-
eluded this voyage, which had occupied the cdnfiderable fpace of one
hundred and two days.' p
Vantage; and affuredhim, that i f he ^puld ne.vermoi.e.go to war with fuch poor defencelefi people,
that I would cuAlhim; To this propofition’. he readily conferited, and on my*giving him medicine,
which confifted df Turlington’s" baftaip, mixed in Water, I declared, that it would lofe its e fe a , i f he
was not fincere in the ^ipmjfe that he made me. In * o r t , ; he a .a u a% . recovered, was true 'to his
engagements* and' Qti afl o'fceafions manifefted his gratitude to me«