We embarked at half paft fnrar;:vrâ*k -»datlipp* and at
eight ws landed, where there "was. an appeaïanoetèf our being able to^
procure hark; w«v dr&wijever, obtained bât a fiiah «luantkjE*. A&twtetere
we went an {bore again, and eaUefted as. much as was necèffaiy for <anr
pufpdfe. It mm remained'fearMs Æofix
another canoe, as it was impoffrble to. proceed Ayith .our old one] which
was become an abfolute wreck. At7ftye. m theafternoon we came- to a
{pot well adapted to. the bufmefs- in which we .were, àfcou-fc to engage. It.
was on afraall ifland nc^*attclk''e»e«raah^!ed" Wad* wood, though there
was, plenty qf the ipri*ce kind oh the -oppofee laR#, which - Was o»l y d ivided
from us by a fmall channel. We n©w ianded, but before-the canoe
was unloaded, and the teM pitched, a violent thander-dei'i»J eabieidn,,
accompanied with rain* which did hot fobfide tiR the. night -had elofed
in upon us.h Two of our men who had ïbdén, in the woods" fbrA'âxe-
handles, faw a deer, and one o f them fliot at it, but unluckily-milled his.
aim. A net was-alfo prepared and f§t in the eddÿ àt the end of the-
Maker preparations to. Undid afanoe. Engage in that important pork. M
h:.proceeds with gnat expedition.;i The guide 'who AadAeftrted- arrives with
jl another TndianiA HeormmmrmiPeTagreOahyiMeUigence. Thfy take mi
^wpporirwmty topuftherjtoatobMtifiiiifittfrwitodnmvifeme the ijland,
^•mimh was mw named the 'Canoe 1 Ijland. Cbligei to:put thetpeople oh
I fhort iMowmce.rAccount o f the navigation. 'Difficult afunt o f a rapid.
Ftejh perplexities. ih Continue bur voyage up the riverl Meet the guide
II and fame o f 'his. friends: Conceal feme pemMcanand other tidMM.
Make preparations for proceeding over'land: Endeavour io fecure the
oaOoe .fill,our return. 'Proceed on our journef^EdrioUs' citcumjtafwss
o f it. v-:;
À tik ; \ ' ' _ 1 - t ’
X x T a very early hour of the mormrig every matt^avas employed in Friday a8.
making preparations for building another canfofei and diffèrent parties
went in Search of wood. ' watape, and gum. two in the afternoon
they all returned fuccefsful, extejit \he ^cd}ïèffo’i's’ 'o f gum, and of that
prticle it was feared we Ihould hot obtain here a fuffieîent fopply for our
llhmediate wants.. After a needffarf pbftfott of time allotted for fefrefti-
ment, each began his refpettive work. I had an altitude ât noon, which
made .us in North latitude.