logs, not only among themfelyes,' but with ftrangers®. They arfe alfo
generous and ho'fpitable, and good-natured in theextreme, except when
their nature, is perverted by the inflammatory influen.ce^ of- i%iritudus
liquors.: To their children they are indulgent to a fault.. The father,
though he a flumes no command oyer them, is ever anxious, to in-
ftruff them in, all the preparatory qualifications for war and hunting;
yirhile the toother is equally -attentive {1 to her daughters;,, in
teaching them every thing that is- confidered as neceffary to their
character and fituation. It does . not appear that the hulband rnakes
any diftin&ion between the children of his wife, though they may be
the oflspring o£ difeenc ■ fathers. legitimacy' is only attached to thpfe
who are born before their mothers have cohabited with any man by the
title of hulband.
-It does not appear, that chaftity is confidered by.them as ^virtue;;
or that fidelity is believed to be eflential to the happinefs. of wedded
life. Though it fometimes happens that the infidelity of a is
puniftied by the hulband with the lofs of her ;perhaps
fizcb Teyerky .proceeds, from its Laving.Teen praClifed yitljgytrhis
permilfiom: for a temporary interchange o f; wives is not uncommon;;■
and the offer of their , perfons is . confidered as a neceffary part of the
hofpitality due to ftrangers. ; .
When a, man lpfes his wife, it is confidered as a duty.to marryjber
* They have been called thieves, but when that vice can with juftice _be attributed to them,
it may be traced to their connexion with the civilized people who come into thei^«6£»di£tiy to
filler, ifi-lhe has one? or he may, if - he pleafes, have them both at the
fame time« 4
It will appear from the fatal confequences I have repeatedly imputed
to. the ufe of. fpirituous. liquors, that I more particularly confider
thefe peopleoas/. having been, morally fpeaking, great fufferers from
their communication with ,'thê fubje&S' -of * civilized nations. At thé
fame time, they were not, in a flat©; Of nature,' without their vices,
and fome of them of a kind which is the moll abhorrent to cultivated
and reflecting man. I fhall only obferve that iacell and beftiality
are among them.
When a young man marries, he immediately goes to. live with the
father and mother of his wife, who treat him, neverthelefs, as a perfeCl
ft ranger, till after the birth of his fir ft child: he then attaches himfelf
more to them than his own parents; and his yrife ho longer gives him
;any other denomination than that of the father.of her child. ,
The profeflion of the men-is war aqd hunting, and t^e more active
feene of their duty is the field pf; battle^, ancT the chafe , in the
woods^i They, alfo fpear filh, but^jhe., management ,pf. the nets is
left to the women. The ferqaIesi'#o f this nation "are in the fame
fubordinate Hate with.thole of all .other favagè tribes; but the
feyerity rof their labour is m,uch L|minilhed b,y their fituation on
tJfe banks and river^j1^ h q è '^ 4 ^ ,/e™Ploy ’ '^noes. In
the winter, when^thp waters are frozen, their jourmes,
which are never r of ( any ;great length, with fledges, drawn by dogs.
a ' " They