ftnm this polition ■ ^'sebsftiâéV ■ <&> which the >ifla*nd we lefh appeared to
make a cfeedk,1 bears1 North by Eaft.
I Under the land we met with three canoes, with fifteen' mea in them;
and laden withithém moveable^ ks l if procéeüiif'•: toiUOB,’ hr
returning to a fdrmer.oHe. -1 Theymanifefted no kind of miftruft orîfear
e»f frut^entered into c^yei?lation v^th;Oülr^oung ipan, as; I fuppofedy to
obtain feme information cqpcerningus. I It did not appear that they were
the fame people as thofe -'we had lately Ipea, as th^Tpoke /tbe fail*-
guage of our young’chief with a different aeeent. They then examined
every thing we had ip our canpe, witk>‘an air o f indifferemcerand dif*
dain. One of them in particular made me underftand, with an air d>f
infolenee, that a large canoe had lately been in this bay, with people
in her like i n l and that one ofthein, whom he^edled MiïààAïfa&à fired
on him and his friends, and that Renfins h&à ftruek hktton the back,
with the flat part of his fword. He alfo mentioned another name; the
ârticuiatibH of which I could 'nM determine. At thrlhmfe time he flki£
trated tfcefe eircumftances by the affiftance of my gun and fword ; and I
do not doubt but he well deferved the treatmept whklr ' he; defcribed'.
He alfo produced federal European articles, Whieh could not have been
fedgitt h is p oM o n . From hîsPondûft afcd appearanbê,-1' wftHed %ery
much to be -rid Of him, and flattered my&lf that - he would ‘prdfë-
feuté his-vdy%^whteh appeared to be in an oppoSte^e^oil to four,
eourfe. Howeveif’when I prepared to ' part rffom them, tfey1 furfied
their canoe»about, and perfuaded mf yhUng man toleave
could not prevent.
Wejeoafted afong-the;dand* at-about Weft-South-Weft'for-fix miles,-
and met a canoe with twp*hqys. in it;>who-were difpatched to fummon
the people on that part-o f the' coaft to join them. . The troublefome
fellow ppw-; forced himjTplf intq-* my canoe, and, pointed out- a narrow
channel on,the oppoffte ftiore,fjthat led,to his village, and requefted us
to,fleer towards it, which I-aecordingly ordered. His importunities
now became,-very irkfcme, and-he wanted to/fee every -thing we had,
particularly, my inftruments, concerning-which hemuft have received
ipformatiqn 'frqm my yqungman.,, Healked for my hat, my handkerchief,
and, in - ftiqrt, every -thing that he -faw about me. At the fame
time hq frequently repeated the unpleafant intejligence^that he had-been
fliot .at by people, of iqyicolour. At fome-diftance from the land- a chan-
pel opened tp, ^gjg$ at ‘South-Weft, by Weft, .and pointing that way, he
ipade ,-ine underftand that,3 M^cuhah ,came J:hqre • with his large, canoe.-
Whenwewereriiy mid-channel, I .-perceiyed^fome fheds, or the remains-
of old-buildings,.opthe {hore.;> and.as, frpm that, qhcumftancq, I thought
it probable that-fome .Europeans, might, have been, there, I dirq&ed my
fteerfman .to make- for-that fpot. The * traverfe is up wards--.of- three
n>ileSr ;NfOrth-Weft, - -...
, Welanded, and, fpund^the .ruins of a-village, in a filiation calculate^
fot,,4cfcncC. The place itfelf was pyeq. grown- with weeds, and in the
centre Qjfthe houfes there was a temple, of the fame form and conft ruction,
as that which,! deferibed at. -the large.Village. W© were foon followed
by tpn canoes,each o f which contained frpm three to fix men. They
* Named by Vancouver K;pg’s Ifland,
* H informed