jSu y ; to havé ^appeared;, 'thejkwoiftfhol dótótvnö^iltavé 'eÉpiit&^d itHeUS®®*
~u~ J ^U^bloody purptffes. Sö^iélèat was tKli^ ra^6i't%atkfte#I hadltbpned5
them both out o f the houfe, ‘arid 'f^/èrêl^^eprilmaiide(l'xthem} theydloocf
in the Tott jfofr at leafldhklf art höixrj lëökmg^&t édcbdithöis witHJanfibft
vihdi&iwrafpife&i atidü® fellbirflénéë/ é
;v cTM .g |^!« h a ^:'sp *» 4ai^‘ièiS4bteïto£vb |i|e r ftemtöyi i^ealied thaft
of the Platter, from a principal lartiele * tigs it. <Thg Indian^ play?at it
Theinftruments of: it confift-of -a platterv -ór, dilh,-made ,ö£ wóod-.pr
bark, andifix round, or fquare, but flat pieces ppmetaly wo®d,,or ftdn'%'
whofedidespr, furfaces a reof different colours. :Thele, are5put i®,$©,;the"
dilb, and after being for fornle time fhaken together, are thrown,.into
the air, and received again in the difh with, cOpfidera HIp ; tfrity ^
when, by the. number that are turned up of. the fame'mark. örf!colo,ur?/
the game is regulated. If there fliould be equal numbersjTthe threw is
not reckoned ;/if two or. four, the platter, changes- haaatds^v*'
- O® the igtb, one o f thefe people came >to me; and pie-ftntedjin
a curious example of Indian fuperftition. He requefted me; $0» furnilff
him with a remedy that might be applied to the-joidts ®f Jmdegstfmd
thighs, of which he had, in a great meafure loft the ufe for five 'winters;
This affliaion he attributed,to his cruder.- thathtWf^whmvhjtv-
ing found a wolf with two whelps in an old Beaver- lodge, he fet fire
to it mid confumed them.
OiîThç winter hàd 'been fojmild, that the ffrans had w*:, but lately: left us, and mw? i.$! w^ '■ ~ ™rS- Jnuny/
at thiàadvânc^^pèfiôd vety’littleTnoty onthnground;. it was, 1— y— 1
however, halfin; depth, in thé environs-^ofthe,
nft^jfhment^l^îoiKsitln^ „whicff is ^af the ^diftance ; cff ; about feyerity
leagues, b
h> On the 28th the Indians. were now employed in making their fnow-
feoe|i|as thqsfnnwtsh'ad nofilbidjertodallen in fuffioientiq^iantity to. render
them ineceflary.. .
. The wçather >.pow; became very cold, and it froze fo hard in the night February 2 .
that myiwàîcfiftppp.ed ; ; a cireupiftance that hadlnevenhappened tó this
•wajxff linge, my,relidence ip the country. I :r
^Tl^ere^was a lodge of Indians here, who were afftblutely ftarving with
coM:4ndi|tungeri;i,Xh.ey.had(lataydöftaiiear relation,; andhad;actórd-
ing tc^cu^m, thrown away.evetp^ing belonging to them, and'eten
exchapgedthp fw^Fticlps pf raiment which they* poffeffed, in order, as I
.pie&mfil^Q^kridlfef^^^^^bmg^habgnày bring thëdeceafed to theiiîre-
membrance. They alfo deftroy every thing belonging to any deceafed
petfo®, ’ except; Vhat ÈjM îQ$ôfigri tQ^tho^^^rwithl thfe late owner of
tbemvifi^Me-hfd^fplnft diftieuJtyto.matethem gorapréhepd that fthe debtt
ofta mnp.whn <^es fhoul|d5.bfe difcharged, .if hé left ar^??fuîps: behind him :
underft^d.tlns.ppnniplfcpfeijufbêeiiând profels to adhère
(fe it, neyer. /ail, to bprfeyént^ tholapp^raóce; of • gfey #inss beyond fuch as
may be neceffary^tp fatisfy the debts of their dead, relation.
•;)i P p tjpj 8th;^ha|i jan qhfefv^tio^for, thf lpf^itude#..y. In the courfe ,-of