; I no.wfound that it wouldil^jfruiftlpls*; for me to expeffe any accounts
of tbe country, or ffie.qthen great river, till I got to the river of the Bear
Take, where I expected to. find feme of the natives, who promised to wait
fpr there.,. Thefer.people had a^aally mentioneddhis river to me
when we paifcd them, but F then paid ®q attention to- di®t
as I im^pned d i1^' be either a xnifunderftanding of my interpreter or
that it was an in veption whidr, with- their other lies* might tend; to prevent
me from proceeding down their river;- .
dry as fre-fl^Jby tshefe
people« they alfotgather^a^mapy whirtje, berries, as we chofe, fer w&ch.
we paid' with the ufual articles, of beads, awls, knivefs,. and tin. I par«
chafed a few beaver-fkins of them, which, a.ecording to their aeequntsi;
are riot very hdmeroasrin this country; ‘aüèthat they db jnot-abotmd in
moofq-deer and bufialo.es« They were alarmed for fameof their young
men, who, were kidipg geefe.higher up the riverj and entreated.-us to-do-
thera no harm. About fun-fet I was under the-r^efBty of.fhooting- one
o f their dogs, as we could not keep Aoffe apimalsr ffcwn our( bagage.
I t was in vain that I had remoaftratedi’ on this fubjeft, fo that I was
ol^M^d to commit-the which hasife^n juft mentioned. Wbfn-tbefe,
people heard, the report of the piflol, and • faw the dog dead,-, they were-
feised with a very general alarm, and the women- took their-Children on.
their backs and ran into the woods. I ordered the caufe of this aëfc of
feverky to, he explained, with the aflurancfe that,, nor injury would: be
o|^redt0 4 hen^lves. The woman, however*, t© whom the dog belonged,
was-very much afie^ed, and; declared that the lofs of fve. children, during
the preceding winter, had, not afièéled her fo much as» the death ©f
this? animal. But her grief was."not of very long duration; and a few «,7a9*
beads, &c. foon affuaged her forrow. \ But as they can without difficulty *-— v -—'
get Tidi O^tteir-affliftjpnji.they can with equal eafe affume it, and feign
fmknefsUiS it be neceflary withthe fame verfatility. Whehrwe arrived
this morning, we found thewomen in tears, from an apprehehfion that
we-Were come to; take Ahem away, t Tphhe|eye; ;of, an European they
Gerteinl^ were; ohjefitk bf difguft; -but there #qre thofe among my party
Who db-fervedifomehidden charms in;thefe. femaleS which rendered them
©hjefisi ©f Ide&e,nahd’t meanisi:WB®ByfonnditTljefievejc that very foon dif*
fipptedi their alarms ;and:fubdued; their, coynefs.: d
• On-the upper part crf-the beacb, liquorice grewin great abundance
anddt wasi'npw*n Moffom. I pulled up Tome of the roots, which were
large and long; but the natives .werfe. ignorant- o f its qualities, and con-
fidered it as a weed of no ufe or>va’lue. j $
tt Afc fw r tffis morning I orderediay ipeople to prepare For. our depart TuefdayaS.
ture.}, and ..while they were loading the canoe, I went with the Englilh
chief to .vifit the lodges, but the greater part of their inhabitants had
< p ^ d theta during jhe night, and thofe that remained pretended fick-
nefs,(.and refufedtp rife.,^; hei^ho W£>Y^j..they wej?© convinced that, .we
d^jtptjmeau;tq take any-qf tficknefsjabandoned
thp^^ariA whfn we had embarked,ithey, came forth from their huts, to.
dffirq fh^ttf$Sj WPmW fmall diffanoe up
aqd.^kg, UW b.kfiQQFdffigly
^fPWPWij^FteeitoS-ittodi a«»a ©mof fe&ffii e-jad bed:
N We