CISTÜS obtusifolius.
Blunt-leaved Cretan Rock-Rose.
Sect. II. Ledonia. Supra fol. 8.
§ 1. Pedunculis unifloris, aut multißoris cymosis; sepalis 5, externes
scepius cordatis acuminatis; capsulis 5-locularibus.
^ Pedunculis basi nudis, scepc infrä medium folia opposita geren-
C. obtusifolius, foliis subsessilibus basi attenuatis ovato-oblongis ob-
tusis rugosis stellato-pubescentibus margine subdenticuiatis, pedunculis
terminalibus cymoso-multifloris, sepalis exterioribus lato-
cordatis acutis, petalis obcordatis irabricatis.
Cistus obtusifolius. Swt. hört. brit. add. p. 468. n. 30. Colv. catal.
edit. 3. p. 34. col. 3.
Stem shrubby, dwarf, very much branched, spreading
in all directions: branches spreading, ascending,
thickly clothed with a starry pubescence, or fascicles of
stellate hairs. Leaves opposite, sessile, or nearly so,
ovately oblong, obtuse, or with rounded points, attenuated
at the base into a sort of short footstalk, slightly
3-nerved, rugose, reticulately veined, very rough and
rigid, clothed on both sides with a starry pubescence,
or clusters of short hairs, of a dark green on the upper
side, and lighter underneath, margins slightly denticulate,
and fringed with tufts of short hairs: upper leaves
quite sessile, and embracing the stem. Flowers terminal
in a many-flowered cyme. Pedicles rather short and
stout, cylindrical, clothed with a white canescence, and
longer hairs intermixed. Calyx of 5 sepals, the outer
ones broadly cordate, acute, hairy on both sides, the
margins slightly reflexed: inner ones ovate, taper-pointed
or mucronate, with scariose membranaceous margins.
Petals 5,.obcordate, a little crumpled, white, with
a yellow spot at the base, imbricate at the base', the points
spreading. Stamens about 100, spreading, overtopping
m 2