concave inwards, bluntish, with membranaceous inner
margins, striated with dark green veins, somewhat
hairy but glossy. Petals 5, more or less imbricate, or
somewhat distinct, rounded but uneven at the margins.
Stamens numerous, spreading, unequal in length : filaments
pale yellow : pollen golden yellow. Style about
the length of the stamens, curled round at the base,
slender below and thickening upwards. Stigma capitate,
The present plant is the one generally cultivated in
the Nurseries as H. polifiolium, and we believe the
plant intended by most of the continental botanists,
judging from their descriptions; but it has certainly
nothing to do with the the English plant, though it is
not very unlike the figure in English Botany, the leaves
of which are coloured much too green, if it really was
taken from a native specimen, as there asserted; the
present is a common plant in the Nurseries about London,
and is well suited for the ornamenting of rock-
work, as it is quite hardy, thriving well in a light
sandy so il; and young cuttings, planted under handglasses
in Spring and Autumn, strike root readily.
Our drawing was made, several years ago, at the
Nursery of Mr. Colvill ; but we deferred publishing it,
till we should have an opportunity of comparing it with
the wild English species. We showed our drawing to
Mr. Lagasca some time since, who immediately pronounced
it tobe the Spanish H.polifiolium.