CISTUS incanus.
Hoary Rock-Rose.
Sect. I. E rythrocistus. Supra fol. 3.
» ,, I>e<3unculis unifloris, axillaribus vel terminalibus solitarii«
bellatusve; stylo cylindrico scepb staminibus longiore • stigrLte ™ "
tato 5-sulcalo. DC. prodr. 1. p. 264. ^ gmate capi-
C. incanus foliis ovato-spathulatis tomentoso-incanis rngosis basi
(n‘e"Ua,ls subtrinervns sessilibus subconnatis; supericfribus an
ct : ^ : iPLitS ‘cV-£ Ti 2?*zr* * * • 1 1 8 5 - Hon. K e w . Id . 2. V. 3. '/£& S ’S“ ' 2’ P' 585’
hort. brit. p. 34. n. I P’ Botan‘ ma9ax’ 43- & « •
Stem shrubby very much branched: branches short
and crowded, thickly clothed with short grey down
and longer hairs intermixed. Leaves sessile, ovatelv
spathulate, obtuse, attenuated towards the base, slightly
3-nerved rugose, undulate, reticulately veined, clothed
with a short dense white tomentum, which wears off bv
age, slightly connected at the base, and sheathing the
stem a little: upper ones narrower and acute, more hairy
Peduncles short and stout, villosely tomentose, one-
flowered, generally solitary, but sometimes in pairs. Ca.
T f 5 sepals, which are ovate and acute, thickly do"
thed with short villous down; two inner ones concave
with subulate points, membranaceous on one side. Pe-
f. f ,5’ oboyate, imbricate, undulate, and crumpled, of a
light rosy lilac, with a faint yellow spot near the base.
stamens very numerous, surrounding the stigma- Ala
ments long and slender, smooth, of alight yellow: DO/‘
ten bright orange colour. Germen clothed with lone- vil
1 o u sd o wn -Style ab o ut th e length ofthestamens, smooth"
slender at the base. Stigma capitate, 5-furrowed, papil