Slender-twigged Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Su p ra f o l . 1.
** P e ta lis albis, roseis, ru b ris v e l d ilu te sulphureis.
H.. v irg a tum , caule suffruticoso, ramis virgatis incanis adscendenti-
bus seu erectis, foliis linearibus subtus canesoentibus, stipulis
lineari-subulatis, calycibus cano-pulverulentis pubescentibus. D C .
p ro d r . 1 . p . 282. n. 10 0 .
Helianthemum virgatum. P e rs . syn. 2 . p . 79. n. 65. Spreng. sj/st. 2 .
p . 594. n. 97. Slot. hort. b rit. a d d . p . 469. n. 94.
Cistus virgatus. D e s f. j lo r . a tlan t. 1. p . 432.
Stem suffruticose, producing numerous branches,
which are at first erect, but as they lengthen out, they
become more or less decumbent, not being strong
enough to support their weight, their points ascending
or becoming again erect, tinged with purple, and clothed
with a short white close tomentum, quite white
and thick on the young branches, but as they become
older it gradually wears off. Leaves opposite, linear,
acute, canescent on both sides, but most so underneath,
channelled on the upper side and strongly one-
nerved on the lower, the margins slightly revolute,
clothed on both sides with a close-pressed pubescence.
Petioles clothed with a close-pressed canescent pubescence,
flattened a little, and furrowed on the upper side
and rounded at the back. Stipules linearly subulate,
sharp-pointed, keeled at the back, longer than the petioles,
thickly clothed with close-pressed white woolly
hairs. Racemes terminal, several-flowered, nodding
before expansion, afterwards ascending, or becoming
erect. Flowers pale rose-colour, leaning forward, or