HELIANTHEMUM stramineum |3 multiplex.
Full-Jloivered straw-coloured Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Su p ra f o l. 7.
** F e ta lis albis, roseis, rubris v e l d ilu te sulphureis.
H. stramineum, caulibus ramosis elongatis procumbentibus apice
tomentosiusculo-pubescentibus, foliis planis aut margine vix recur-
vis supra viridibus pilosis subtus tomentoso-incanis : inferioribus
rotundo-ovatis obtusis: superioribus oblongo- lanceolatis acutius-
culis, stipulis linearibus acutis’ ciliatis petiolo duplo longioribus,
racemis multifloris, calycibus striatis glabriusculis, petalis obovatis
patentibus distinctis. Supra f o l . 93.
0 multiplex, caulibus apice adscendentibus, foliis minoribus, petalis
multiplicibus. Su p ra 94.
Suffrutescent, much branched : branches slender, procumbent,
the points ascending, warted a little, and
thinly clothed with a short woolly pubescence. Leaves
opposite, petiolate, smaller than in the single variety,
flat or slightly recurved at the margins, the upper side
hairy and of a dark green, underneath clothed with a
white tomentum : lower ones nearly round, or roundly
oval, obtuse; the upper ones oblong or lanceolate, becoming
gradually narrower upwards, and more acute.
Petioles short, flattened on the upper side, and rounded
below. Stipules linear, acute, fringed, green on both
sides, generally more than twice the length of the petioles.
Racemes terminal, several-flowered, nodding before
the flowers expansion, becoming gradually erect as
they expand. Bractes linearly lanceolate, acute, hairy,
about the length of the pedicles, or sometimes not quite
so long. Pedicles clothed with a woolly pubescence,
nodding in the bud state, and becoming erect as the