CISTUS Cupanianus.
Heart-leaved Rock-Rose.
Sect. II. Ledonia. Supra fol. I.
§. 1. Pedunculis unifloris, aut multifloris cymosis; sepalis 5, ex-
ternis seepiüs cordatis acuminatis; capsulis o-locularibus.
* Pedunculis basi nudis, saeptl infrä medium folia opposita gerenti-
C. Cupanianus, caule erecto, foliis petiolatis cordato-ovatis acutis
rugosis reticulato-venosis supra scabris subtus fasciculato-pilosis
margine fimbriatis, pedunculis pilosis 2-3-floris, sepalis villosis
acuminatis, petalis imbricatis.
Cistus Cupanianus. Presl. ex Spreng, syst. v. 4. par. 2. p. 206.
Stem shrubby, upright, much branched : branches
spreading, when young slightly viscous, and clothed
with long spreading white hairs, which wear off by age,
and they then become smooth and brown. Leaves opposite,
petiolate, cordately ovate, acute, flat, more or
less undulate at the margins, roughish, occasioned by
the little tubercles on which the fascicles of hairs are
fixed, strongly pennately nerved underneath, rugose,
reticulately veined, of a dark green, and nearly smooth
on the upper side, paler underneath, and thickly clothed
with fascicles of hairs, as are the margins, where
they are seated on little tubercles, which gives the appearance
of being denticulate or fimbriate. Petioles
furrowed on the upper side, and rounded on the lower,
broadest at the base, hairy. Peduncles longish, axillary,
2 or 3-flowered, thickly clothed with bunches of
hairs spreading in various directions. Bractes 4 at the
base of the peduncle, lanceolate, acute, opposite, cross
ing each other, and a small deciduous one at the base
of the pedicles. Pedicles hairy, nodding before the ext