yellow : pollen golden yellow. Germen woolly. Style a
little bent at the base, about the length of the stamens.
Stigma a sort of club-shaped head.
The present pretty species is a native of the South of
Europe, and the Levant, and therefore requires a little
protection in severe frosty weather; if planted out in
rock-work, the covering of a mat or a little hay or straw,
or any other dry covering, will be sufficient to protect
it in the severe frost, giving it full admission to the air
when the weather is mild; or if the plants are not too
large, a common garden pot placed close over them in
frosty weather will preserve them very well. It is also
a good plan to have some in small pots, to preserve in
frames all the Winter; they can then be turned out
wherever they are wanted in Spring, as at that time
they will grow very fast, and will soon make fine plants :
a mixture of sandy loam and peat is a very proper soil
for them; and young cuttings, planted under handglasses,
in August or September, will strike root freely.
Our drawing was made from a plant in the rock-work
at the Botanic Garden belonging to the Apothecaries’
Company, at Chelsea, in the Summer of 1828.