HELIANTHEMUM grandiflorum.
Large-flowered Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum, Supra f o l . 7.
* P e ta lis luteis.
H. g randiflorum, caule suffruticoso adscendente, ramis piloso-hirsu-
tis, foliis superioribus subplanis oblongis pilosiusculis supnt viri-
dibus subtus nunc viridibus nunc dilute cinereis, stipulis ciliatis
petiolo sublongioribus, floribus magnis, calycibus subhirsutis.
DC. p ro d . 1. p . 280.
Helianthemum grandiflorum. DC. f l . f r . 4. p . 821. S w t. hort. b rit.
p . 35. n. 64.
Cistua grandiflorus. Scop. c am . ed. 2 . n. 648. t. 25.
Stem suffruticose, much branched, ascending: branches
hairy when young, but becoming at length nearly
smooth, spotted or tinged with light purple. Leaves
opposite, flat, or nearly so, oblong, bluntish, clothed
with short closely-pressed hairs, green on both sides,
or sometimes a little whitish at the back; young ones
more hairy than the older ones. Petioles short, pubescent.
Stipules linearly lanceolate, acute, fringed, longer
than the petioles. Racemes terminal, nodding before
expansion, afterwards becoming erect. Bractes scarcely
so long as the pedicles, resembling the stipules, but
rather shorter. Pedicles downy, nodding before the
expansion of the flowers, then becoming erect, after
flowering reflexed. Calyx of 5 sepals, a little hairy, the
hairs pressed inwards; two outer ones very small,
more hairy than the inner ones, fringed: inner ones
ovate, concave, membranaceous between the nerves.
Petals 5, large, broadly obovate or obcordate, very
much imbricate, of a bright straw-colour. Stamens
numerous, unequal in length. Style twisted, about the