IUZ-lyJttajmy. Jar^.zazs Weddell Jh.
HELIANTHEMUM oelandiciim.
Pale green-leaved Sun-Rose.
Sect. V I I I . P seudocistus. Supra fol. 2.
H. celandicum, caule sufFruticoso procumbente ramoso, foliis lanceo-
lato-ellipticis obtusiusculis utrinque viridibus saepe glabris interdiim
ciliatis petiolatis; summis sessilibus, racemis simplicibus paucifloris,
calycibus subgloboso-ovatis. DC.prodr. 1 . p. 276.
Helianthemumcelandicum. DC. flor. f r . 4. p .817. Sivt.hort. brit.p.35.
. n. 45.
Cistus celandicus. Linn. sp. 741.
Chamaecistus 2 . Clus. hist. p. 73. ic.
Stem suffrutescent, branching, procumbent, or laying
flat on the ground, the young branches hairy. Leaves
pale green on both sides, lanceolately elliptic, bluntish,
others lanceolate and acute, hairy when young, but
becoming smooth by age, the margins fringed ; lower
ones petiolate, the upper ones near the flowers sessile.
Petioles slender, hairy. Stipules none. Racemes terminal,
simple, few-flowered. Bractes small, sessile, hairy
and fringed, acute. Pedicles slender, very hairy, tinged
with purple. Calyx of a roundish oval, consisting of
5 sepals, hairy : 2 outer sepals very small, spreading:
inner ones ovate, concave inwards, scarcely acute.
Petals 5, pale yellow, distinct, spreading, about the
length of, or scarcely longer than the sepals, ohovate,
rounded at the points. Stamens numerous, unequal in
length, spreading: filaments yellow : pollen orange-coloured.
Germen hairy. Style short, twisted at the base.
Stigma capitate, slightly 3-lobed, papillose.
Our drawing of this pretty little species was made
from a plant in the Apothecaries’ Company’s Garden