HELIANTHEMUM sulphureum.
Sulphur-coloured Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemtjm. Supra fol. 7.
** Petalis albis, roseis, rubris vel dilutè sulphureis.
H. sulphureum, caulibus ramosis procumbentibus scabriusculis to*
xnentosiusculis subincanis, foliis lanceolatis planis supra viridibus
subtus pallidioribus utrinque stellato-pubescentibus, stipulis foli-
aceis angusto-lanceolatis acutis ciliatis petiolo triplo longioribus,
racemo terminali paucifloro, calycibus membranaceis striatis gla-
briusculis nitidis, petalis obovatis crenulatis patentibus distiuctis.
Helianthemum sulphureum. Willden. enum. supp. 39. DC. prodr. 1.
p. 283. n. 107. Spreng. syst. veg. 2. p. 593. n. 90. Swt. hort. mb,
land. p. 124. ».41. Hort. brit. p. 36. n. 81.
Stems suffruticose, procumbent, branching in all directions
: branches rough, occasioned by little tubercles
or warts, on which little fascicles of hairs have been
seated, the upper part clothed with a thin loose tomen-
tum. Leaves flat, opposite, petiolate, lanceolate, acute,
or the lower ones obtuse, dark green on the upper side,
and paler underneath, both sides clothed with fascicles
of hairs, which are stellately spreading, margins rough
and uneven. Petioles short, warted, flat on the upper
side, and rounded on the lower. Stipules leaf-like, narrowly
lanceolate, acute, ciliate, about 3 times longer
than the footstalk of the leaf, green on both sides.
Racemes terminal, few-flowered, nodding before the
expansion of the flowers, then becoming erect. Brades
lanceolate, acute, ciliate, rather more than half , the
length of the pedicles. Pedicles tomentose, nodding
before expansion, erect when expanded, afterwards reflexed.
Calyx of 5 sepals; the two outer ones very
small, narrowly lanceolate, oblique, acute, fringed, purple
at the base, the upper part green : inner ones narrowly
ovate, acute, concave, membranaceous, strongly