Saffron-coloured Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . Euhelianthemum. Supra fol. 7.—*Petalis luteis.
H. croceum, caule fruticoso subprocumbente ramoso : ramis simpli-
cibus erectiusculis tomentoso-canescentibus, foliis tomentosiuscu-
lis subtùs canescentibus suprà glaucis margine revolutis : inferi-
oribus suborbiculatis ; mediis ellipticis oblusîs ; superioribus lance-
olatis acutiusculis, stipulis bracteisque erectis lineari-oblongis vil-
losis apice setosis subvirescentibus, calycibus glauco-flavescenti-
bus minuté pubescentibus, petalis valde imbricatis.
Helianthemum croceum. DC. prodr. 1. p. 279. Fers. syn. 2. p. 79.
Swt. hort. sub. lond.p. 124. Hort. brit. 35. n. 56.
Cistus croceus. Desf. fi. atl. 1. p. 4 2 2 .1 .110.
Stems shrubby, procumbent, or sometimes nearly upright,
very rough and rugged: branches numerous, simple
or rarely branched, erect or nearly so, when cultivated
in a pot or in poor gravelly soil; but in richer
soil the branches are very long, procumbent, their points
ascending, and spreading round to a great distance in
all directions, densely clothed with a white woolly pubescence.
Leaves ot a silky appearance, densely clothed
with a white starry pubescence, of a greyish white underneath
and of a glaucous colour on the upper side,
margins slightly revolute; the small lower leaves nearly
orbicular or rounded, the middle ones elliptic or oblong,
obtuse; upper ones nearly lanceolate and more
acute. Petioles short, stellately pubescent, the pubescence
close-pressed. Stipules linear, linearly-oblong or
lanceolate, of a greenish colour, clothed with spreading
villous hairs, the margins more or less fringed, and the
points tipped with bristly hairs, lower ones very small,
upper ones elongated. Racemes terminal, 3 to 7-flower-
ed, curved inwards before flowering, afterwards becoming
erect. Bractes linearly oblong, nearly as long as the