Basil-like Sun-Rose.
Sect. I. H alimium. Supra, fol. 4.
* Stylo brevi recto.
H. ocymoides, caule suffruticoso ramoso, ramis erectis incanis,
foliis caulinis obovatis vel ovato-oblongis trinerviis subsessihbus
viridibus: ramulorum petiolatis dorso carinatis apice reflexis
utrinque incanis, pedunculis longis ramoso-paniculatis, pedicellis
oppositis alternisque subumbellatis, calycibus trisepalis glabris
valde acuininatis, petalis obcordatis basi distmctis.
Helianthemum ocymoides. DC. prodr. 1. p. 267. Pers. syn. 2. p. 76.
Swt. hort. brit. p. 34. n. 3. Spreng, syst. veg. 2. p. 586.
Cistus ocymoides. Lam. diet. 2. p. 18. Cistus sampsucifohus.
^ aip / /-»/•» /iii'ƒ 1 n *70. 'if*
Stem suffruticose, erect, much branched: branches
erect, densely clothed with a white tomentum, and a
few long white hairs intermixed. Leaves opposite:
on the lower part of the stem green, obovate, ovately
oblong, or oblongly lanceolate, sessile or nearly so,
attenuated at the base, slightly 3-nerved, acute or
sometimes bluntish, rather concave, nearly straight,
the upper side covered with long spreading hairs:
upper leaves petiolate, shorter and broader, with ie-
curved points, keeled at the back, the margins curved
inwards ; very white and hoary on both sides, by being
densely clothed with a close white tomentum. Petioles
short, also densely clothed with a close pressed white tomentum.
Flowers on a long branched panicle. Peduncles
of a brownish purple, glossy, more or less clothed
with long spreading white hairs. Bractes sessile,
opposite, ovately lanceolate, acute, keeled, points a little
recurved, smooth and glossy. Pedicles 3 or more flowered,
in a kind of umbel, opposite on the lower part of
the panicle, on the upper part alternate. Calyx smooth