
stipulate; leaves oval, green, glossy, revolute at the margins. F-—Flowers
yellow.—This plant is also in the Botanic Garden at Chelsea, but it has
not yet flowered.
65. H. angustifolium (Pers. syn. 2. p. 79.) Stem suffrutescent, diffusely
spreading : branches somewhat woolly, ash-coloured; leaves on short footstalks
: upper ones linearly oblong, somewhat acute, margins revolute, underneath
clothed with a hairy tomentum ; upper side somewhat bristly; stipules
hairy, longer than the footstalks ; racemes loose;: calyx pubescent
and more or less hairy, the hairs deciduous.'^. —Native not known.—Cis-
tus angustifolius. Jacq. vind. 3. p. 53.—Petals narrow at the base, not imbricate
at the margins, yellow.
66. H. obtusifdlium (Dunal in DC. prodr. J. p. 281.) Stems suffru-
tescent: branches tomentosely hoary ; leaves small, petiolate, linearly oblong,
obtuse, margins revolute: underneath clothed with a hoary tomentum
: upper side green, covered with white scattered hairs ; stipules green,
oblongly linear, flat, blunt, scarcely fringed, the length of thé footstalks;
calyx bristly.tj.—Native of the Island of Cyprus. p
67. H. Lagbscce (Dunal in DC. prodr. v. 1. p. 281.) Branches ascending,
tomentosely hairy, hoary; leaves linear, blunt, very much revolute at
the margins, nearly round, somewhat hairy, green; stipules flat, scarcely
hairy, double the length of the footstalks; footstalks bristly, white; calyx
glossy, nerved and furrowed ; nerves fringed with white hairs, f?.—Native of
Spain.—Leaves short; calyx small; petals yellow.
68. H. violaceum (Pers. syn. 2. p. 78.) Stem erect or ascending, very
much branched, the branches opposite : small branches slender, clothed'
with white wool, and hairs intermixed; leaves small, linear, or spathulately
linear, obtuse, margins revolute, more or less woolly on both sides, underneath
hoary ; stipules minute, hairy ; racemes loose, few-flowered; calyx
smooth, violaceus, nervosely-furrowed.F.—Native of Spain.—^Cistus vio-
laceus. Cavan, ic. 2. p. 38. 1 .147.—Petals white.
69. H. farindsum. Stem suffruticose, erect, branching : branches tomentosely
hoary; leaves on short footstalks, linear or lanceolately linear,-
margins revolute, hoary on both sides, powdered; stipules subulate, longer
than the footstalks ; calyx powdered and clothed with very short hairs, t*.—
Native of Spain.—H. racemosum /3. farindsum. DC. prodr. 1, p. 281.—
Flowers white.
70. H. strictum (Pers. syn. 2. p. 79.) Stem suffrutescent, erect, very
much branched; branches straight, clothed with white tomentum; leaves
nearly sessile, very narrow, linearly subulate, hoary, the margins revolufceq
stipules linear, setose ; calyx nervosely striated, pale yellow, nearlysmooth.
tj.—Native of Spain.—Cistus strictus. Cavan, ic. 3. p. 32. t. 263. f. 2.-—
Petals white.
71. H. hispidum (Dunal in DC. prodr. 1. p. 282.) Stem suffrutescent,
branching: branches ascending, tomentosely hoary; leaves on footstalks,;
oblong, obtuse, slightly mucronate, margins revoiute, underneath hoary,
the upper side roughish,of a bluish green or glaucescent; calyx clothed with
long spreading hairs, fj.—Native of the South of France.—Cistus hispidus.
Lam. diet. 2. p. 26.—Petals white.
72. H. f'cetidum (Pers. syn. 2. p. 79.) Stem suffrutescent, procumbent*
clothed with long hairs ; leaves oblong, green on both sides, roughish, hairy;
stipules linear, hairy, longer than the footstalks; flower-stalks and calyx
somewhat hairy.fj.—-Native not known.-—Cistus foetidus. Jacq. ic. rar.,1.
t. 98.—Bryony-scented; flowers white.
73. H. ciliatum (Pers. syn. 2. p. 79.) Stem suffrutescent, decumbent:
branches clothed with a white tomentum ; leaves ovately lanceolate or lanceolately
oblong, margins slightly revolute, underneath clothed with white
tomentum, the upper side hairy; stipules greenish, longer than the footstalks;
calyx membranaceous; inner sepals nerved and furrowed; nerves elevated,
glandularly hairy,^.—Native of Spain, Italy, and the North of Africa.—
Cistus ciliatus. Desf. fl. atl. 1. p. 421. t. 109.- - Petals rose-coloured.
74. H. dsperum (DC. prodr. 1. p. 283.) Stem suffrutescent, branching
; branches long, ascending, or more or less erect, somewhat tomentose,
roughish, ash-coloured; leaves on footstalks, oblong, taper-pointed, margins
revolute, underneath clothed with short white wool, the upper side
green, somewhat woolly, roughish, setose at the point; stipules awl-shaped,
bristle-pointed; angles of the calyx clothed with bristly hairs, the hairs long
and numerous.I?.—Native of Spain.—Petals white.
0. Rouss'ai (DC. loc. cit.) Stem, leaves and calyx very hairy, hairs
white, tj.-—Native of the Levant. Rousseau.
75. H. majoiancefolium (DC. prodr. 1. p. 283.) Suffrutescent, erect,
very much branched ; branches hairy, and clothed with white wool; leaves
on footstalks, ovately oblong, somewhat pointed, margins revolute, underneath
clothed with a white tomentum, the upper side of a bluish green,
tomentosely hairy; stipules subulate, bristle-pointed ; calyx very hairy, the
hairs white, Native of the South of France.—Petals white.
76. H. hirsutum (DC. prodr. 1. p. 284.) Suffrutescent, stipulate, hairy;
leaves on footstalks, white underneath : lower ones rounded: upper ones
lanceolate, acute; flowers in a terminal raceme, generally facing all to one
side. *2 .—Native of rocky mountains on the Eastern Pyrenees.—Cistus hir-
sutus. Lapeyrouse abr. 303. — Flowers large, white.
* Doubtful Species.
77. H . oligophy'llum (DC. prodr. 1. p.284.) Frutescent, stipulate;
leaves on footstalks, ovately lanceolate, nerveless, entire at the margins,
rough, the margins revolute; flower-stems 1 flowered. —Native near
Jaffa ; petals yellow.
HUDSONIA. Supra folio 36.
1. H .Nuttbllii. Equally pubescent; stem erect, much branched; leaves
about 2 lines long, filiform, somewhat imbricate, but distinct from the stem,
floWdr-stalks lateral, crowded, when in fruit from 5 to 8 lines long; calyx
cylindrical, obtuse, and as well as the leaves clothed with an equal quantity'of
pubescence: segments oblique and convolute, the 2 smaller ones
scarcely visible in the fruiting calyx, sufficiently distinct in the unexpanded
flowers ; capsule cylindric-oblong, externally pubescent, always 1-seeded ;
valves oblong, the central suture obsolete."^.—Abundant over the barren
sandy woods of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, (Nuttall.)
H. ericoides. Nuttall. gen. and spec. amer. 2. p. 4. scarcely of others ; his
description at any rate does not agree with any that we have examined.
2. H. montdna (Nutt. gen. amer. 2. p. 5.) Old plants partly smooth;
tufted; stems 3 to 5 inches long, decumbent; leaves about a line longer than
those of the preceding species, nearlysmooth, filiform, subulate, somewhat
imbricate; flower-stalks terminal, solitary, about an inch long when in
fruit; flowers more than twice the size of the preceding; calyx bell-shaped,
woolly : segments taper-pointed, smaller ones longer and subulate, con