CISTUS oblongifolius.
Oblong-leaved Rock-Rose.
Sect. II . Ledonia. S u p ra fo l.l.
§. 1. Pedunculis unifloris, aut multifloris cymosis, sepalisö, exter-
nis srepius cordatis acuminatis ; capsulis 5-locularibus.
* Pedunculis basi nudis, seepe infrä medium, folia opposita geren-
C. oblongifolius, caule fruticoso erecto; ramis hispido-villosis, folds
breviter petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis margine pubes-
centibus et undulatis subtus venosis, pedunculis cymosis, petalis
concavis valde imbricatis.
A large upright strong-growing Shrub, producing
long straightish stiff branches, which are densely clothed
with short villous down and long rigid hairs intermixed.
Leaves shortly petiolate, oblong, bluntish,
reticulately veined, upper side smooth and glossy, under
side paler, margins pubescent, and more or less
undulate. Petioles very short, clasping the stem at the
base, of a reddish brown, Flowers large, white, in a
cymose panicle. Bractes sessile, crossing each other;
lower ones leaf-like, oblongly-lanceolate, bluntish;
upper ones ovate, concave, acute, strongly nerved, sub-
membranaceous, fringed. Pedicles unequal in length,
nearly cylindrical, slightly viscous, thickly clothed with
short spreading hairs and a few long ones intermixed.
Calyx of 5 sepals, 2 outer ones much the largest, bracte-
like, cordate, acute, striate, villosely hairy, margins
fringed, reflexed : inner ones narrower, more membranaceous,
and taper-pointed, also villous. Petals 5,
white, rather cupped, much imbricate, nearly round,
with a yellow spot at the base of each. Stamens nume