Bristly-calyxed Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . Euhelianthemum. Supra fol. 17.
* Petalis luteis.
H. hirtum, caule suffruticoso ramoso, ramis adscendentibus aume-
rosis tomentoso-hirtis cinereis, foliis oyatis seu oblongis margine
revolutis tomentoso-hirtis subtus canescentibus supra vmdi-cine-
reis, stipulis angustis petiolo sublongioribus, calycibus hirsutissi-
mis albidis, petalis obcordatis imbricatis.
Helianthemum hirtum. Pers. syn. 2. p. 79. DC. prodr. 1. p. 281.
Spreng. syst. 2. p. 593. Swt. hort. brit. ed. 2. p. 42. n. 85.
Cistus hirtus. Linn. spec. 744. Cavan, icon. 2. p. 37. 1.146. Smith
jlor. grcec. t. 501.
Stem suffrutescent, producing numerous branches
from the base : branches ascending, clothed with a hoary
canescence, and innumerable spreading hairs. Leaves
opposite, the lower ones ovate, the others oblong, obtuse,
revolute at the margins, thickly covered with spreading
hairs : upper side of a pale green ; underneath clothed
with a close white tomentum. Petioles short, hairy.
Stipules rather small, but longer than the petioles, those
at the upper leaves largest, very hairy. Racemes terminal,
severabflowered, at first nodding, but becoming erect
as the flowers expand. Bractes similar to the stipules,
but rather larger. Pedicles slender, nodding before the
flowers expansion, erect when in bloom, afterwards reflexed,
densely hairy. Calyx of5 sepals, densely covered
with spreading white hairs ; the two outer ones narrow,
linear, spreading, of a brightish green : the inner ones
ovate, acute, concave, strongly veined, of a pale whitish
green colour. Petals 5, imbricate, obcordate, veined
from the base, where they terminate in a saffron-coloured
spot. Stamens numerous, of various lengths : filaments
2 F