HELIANTHEMUM umbellatum.
Umbel-flowered Sun-Rose.
Sect. I. H alimtum. Supra, fol. 4.
* Stylo brevi recto. DC. prodr. 1. p. 267.
H. umbellatum, caule fraticoso ramoso; ramis junioribus tomen-
toso-pilosis viscosis, foliis sessilibus lineari-oblongis margine
revolutis subviscosis : snprsi nitidis atroviridibus • subtüs tomen-
tosis, bracteis ovatis acutis carinatis, pedunculis unifloris race-
moso-verlicillatis terminalibus umbellatis, calycibus trisepalis vil-
losis viscosis.
Helianthernum umbellatum. DC. prodr.1. p . 267. Mill. diet. n. 5.
Pers. syn. 2. p. 76. Spreng, syst. veg. 2. p . 586. Swt. hort. sub.
lond. p. 123. Hort. brit. p. 34. n. 2.
Cistus umbellatus. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 1190. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.
v.3. p. 307.
Stem shrubby, erect, or more or less spreading, from
9 to 18 inches in height, clothed with a hard brown
glossy bark, much branched: branches, while young,
viscous, clothed with short woolly hairs. Leaves opposite,
crossing each other, sessile, linearly oblong,
bluntish, with revolute margins, moré or less ciliate,
when young, pubescent and viscous: upper side of a
dark glossy green; underneath reticulately veined, and
clothed ivith a dense rusty white tomentum. Flowers
white, numerous, terminating the branches in a whorled
raceme, and. ending in an umbel. Bractes ovate,
acute, concave, keeled at the back, membranaceous,
dropping off Avhen the flowers expand. Pedicles in
whorls round the stem, slender, one-flowered, viscous
and pubescent. Sepals 3, cordately ovate, acute, concave,
villous, about half the length of the petals. Petals
5, of a pure white, with yellow unguis, roundly
obovate, or obcordate, imbricate at the base, at first
cup shaped, afterwards flat, and at last reflexed. Stamens
about 16, nearly erect, the outer ones scarcely