HELIANTHEMUM rhodanthum.
Dark rose-coloured Sun-rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemdm. Calyx ante anthesin apice sub-
tortus, 5-sepalus, sepalis externis ssepfe patulis multo minoribus,
internis 2 ssepibs 4-cpstatis sulcatis margine scariosis intbs nitidis,
angulis ssepe pilosis. Petala calycibus 2-3-4-plo longiora. Stamina
numerosa. Stylus basi flexus, apice subclavatus. Stigma
simplex. Capsula calyce obtecta trivalvis unilocularis apice dehis-
cens. Semina pauca extbs convexa, intbs angulosa.—Snffrutices;
caules basi ramosi, ramis numerosis erectis vel - procumbentibus,
sapius adscendentibus. Folia opposita, breviter petiolata, inferiora
minora, sape margine revoluta stipulata, stipulis lineari-lanceolatis.
Racemi terminates secundi simplices, ante anthesin incurvi, post,
anthesin erecti elongati. Pedicelli basi lateraliter bracteati, ante
anthesin cernui, per anthesin erecti, post anthesin recurvi reflexi.
DC. prodr. 1. p. 278.
** Petalis albis, roseis, rubris vel dilute sulphureis.
H. rhodanthum, caule suffruticoso procumbente ; ramis tomentosi-
usculis subincanis adscendentibus, foliis oblongis margine revo-
lutis;^ sub tbs tomentoso-incanis; supra viridi-glaucescentibus,
stipulis subulatis pilosis apice setosis, calycibus breviter tomen-
tosis albidis, petalis imbricatis.
Helianthemum rhodanthum. Dunal. ined. ex DC. prodr. 1. p. 282.
Swt. hort. brit. p . 36. n. 76.
Stems numerous, procumbent, very much branched:
branches ascending, densely clothed with a short white
mealy tomentum, that wears off by age. Leaves opposite,
crossing each other, with short footstalks, oblong
or oblongly linear, bluntish, but terminated in a point,
margins re volute, of a glaucous green, and slightly
pubescent on the upper side; and clothed with a dense
white tomentum on the lower. Petioles short, canes-
cently pubescent. Stipules, one on each side of the
leaf, longer than the petioles, subulate, hairy, with
bristly points.' Racemes terminal, several flowered,
before flowering curved inwards, after flowering, elongated
and erect. JBractes short, acute, canescent.