Copper-coloured Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Suprafol. 7.
** Petalis albis, roseis, rubris vel dilutè sulphureis.
H. cupreum, caule suffruticoso procumbente; ramis adscendentibus
tomentosiusculis adnltis glabris, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis canali-
culatis : supra viridibus hirsutis ; subtus tomentoso-incanis, sti-
pulis lanceolatis acutis ciliatis apice setosis petiolo duplo longi-
oribus, calycibus tomentoso-pilosis, petalis imbricatis.
Stem suffruticose, procumbent, branching in all directions
: branches ascending, purple, when young clothed
with a thin tomentum, which wears off by age,
they then become smooth and glossy, but are thinly
warted. Leaves oblongly-lariceolate, scarcely acute,
rather concave and channelled on the upper side, which
is green and hairy ; underneath clothed with a close
dense white tomentum, the margins slightly rolled
back : upper leaves narrowest and more acute. P e tioles
short, pubescent. Stipules lanceolate, acute, about
twice the length of the petioles, fringed with long hairs,
the ends of which bend inwards, the points setose, or
tipped with little bristle-like hairs. Racemes terminal,
several-flowered, nodding before expansion, afterwards
becoming erect. Brades lanceolate, fringed, more than
half the length of the pedicles, sometimes full the
length. Pedicles downy, nodding before the expansion
of the flowers, erect when in bloom, afterwards reflexed.
Calyx of 5 sepals, the two outer ones very
small, oblong, obtuse, hairy, the three inner ones ovate,
scarcely acute, concave, strongly 3 or 4-nerved, very
hairy on the nerves, the hairs in bunches, which are
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