Mr. Miller's Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Suprafol. 7.
** Petalis albis, roseis, rubris vel dilute sulphureis.
H. Milleri, caule suffruticoso procumbente, ramis hirsuto-tomentosis,
foliis oblongis obtusiusculis planis utrinque viridibus hirsutis, sti-
pulis falcatis petiolo longioribus, calycibus hirsutis, petalis imbri-
Stem suffrutescent, procumbent: branches also procumbent,
thickly clothed with short soft woolly hairs
and soft down underneath, the points ascending a little.
Leaves opposite, flat, dull green on both sides, thickly
covered on both sides with stiffish hairs which are generally
in pairs: lower ones of a roundish oval, quite
obtuse: the upper ones longer, oblong, or oblongly
lanceolate, more acute. Petioles thickly clothed with
woolly hairs, scarcely so long as the stipules, flattened
on the upper side, and rounded underneath. Stipules
somewhat falcate, linear or lanceolately linear, hairy
and fringed: lower ones very small, scarcely longer
than the petioles, the upper ones very long, about twice
the length of the petioles. Racemes terminal, many-
flowered, nodding before expansion, and becoming
erect as the flowers expand. Bractes similar to the stipules.
Pedicles clothed with a short tomentum, nodding
before the expansion of the flowers, erect when in bloom,
afterwards reflexed. Calyx of 5 sepals; the two outer
ones small, linear, obtuse: the three inner ones ovate,
concave, acute, strongly 3 or 4-nerved, membranaceous
2 D