Spot-flowered Sun-Rose.
Sect. I I I . T uberaria. Supra fol. 18.
** Annua, foliis superioribus scep& stipulatis, racemis secundis ter-
H. punctatum, caule herbaceo ramoso dichotomo tomentosiusculo-
pubescente subcinereo, foliis oblongis penninerviis viridi-cinereis
breviter piloso-scabriusculis ; pilis stellatis minimis ' inferioribus
oppositis obtusis : superioribus alternis acutiusculis stipulatis,
racemis longis pubescentibus ciuereis, petalis obovatis crenulatis
Helianthemum punctatum. Pers. syn. 2 .p.7 7 . Willd. enum.2.p. 570.
DC. prodr. 1. p. 271. Spreng. syst. 2. p. 588. Swt. hort. brit.p. 35.
Cistus punctatus. Willden. spec.pl. 2. p. 1199.
Annual. Stem herbaceous, very much branched from
the base, the centre stem erect: branches spreading,
canescent, generally forked, spreading, the points ascending,
thickly clothed with stellate fascicles of short hairs.
Leaves petiolate, of a greyish colour, strongly penni-
nerved underneath, with 5 to 8 prominent nerves, also
clothed with starry bunches of short hairs: lower ones
opposite, oblong, bluntly rounded, the upper ones alternate,
narrower, and the points more acute. Petioles
flattened on the upper side, and slightly keeled on the
lower, also clothed with little stellate bunches of hairs.
Stipules unequal in size, lanceolate, acute, clothed with
the same sort of hairs, and fringed. Racemes terminal,
leafy or bracteate, erect, in our plants many-flowered.
Flowers all leaning to one side. Pedicles slender, erect,
clothed with a short hoary pubescence, each opposite to
a leaf or bracte. Calyx of 5 sepals, thickly clothed with
a short canescent pubescence, the two outer ones small,
spathulate, narrow at the base, the three inner ones