the base, of a bright yellow, darkest at the bottom.
Stamens about 80, about the length of the style : fila ments
very slender, smooth, pale yellow: anthers
small, attached to the filament by the back: pollen
light orange-coloured. Germen clothed with close-
pressed silky hairs. Style smooth, bent near the base.
Stigma capitate, granular.
The present plant is nearly related to H. vulgare,
but is readily distinguished by its broader flat leaves,
that are green on both sides; we believe it to be the
H. obscurum of most authors ; but as the present name
has the right of priority, that of obscurum may now be
dropt altogether, as the H. obscurum of Decandolle is
without doubt the H. barbatum of Lamarck, which is
the oldest name; that is a very distinct species from
the present, always growing erect, whereas the present
is always procumbent, and is much less hairy. It is
quite hardy, being a native of France, Switzerland, and
Italy, succeeding well in the open border, or in rock-
work, thriving best in a light sandy soil: young cuttings,
planted under hand-glasses, root readily.
Our drawing was made from a plant at the Nursery
of Mr. Colvill, who received it from Switzerland.
We have this Summer flowered plants of H. tomen-
tosum (Cistus tomentosus of English Botany), brought
from Scotland last year by Mr. D. Don, and they prove
to be nothing more than H. vulgare, as has been already
stated by Dr. Hooker: plants brought by us from the
neighbourhood of Croydon, flowered by the side of it
in our garden, and we could not perceive the least
difference in them.