late, erect; leaves opposite, oval-oblong, hoary; racemes terminal, leafy,
2-parted; flowers opposite to the leaves, tj.—Native of Portugal.
Sect. V I I . F dmana. Supra fol. 16.
36. H . ericoides (Dunal in DC. prodr. 1. p. 274.) Stem frutescent,
erect; leaves alternate, imbricate, semi-cylindrical, short, smoothish, without
stipules ; flower-stalks solitary, 1-flowered, opposite to a leaf, or terminal,
longer than the leaves ; capsules, when open, n a k e d ..—Cistus ericoides.
Cavan, ic. 2. p. 56. t. 172.—Leaves somewhat revolute at the
margin. ,
a glabrum. Branches and flower-stalks smooth, tj.—Native of Spain.
(S pubescens. Upper part of the branches and flower-stalks pubescent, h ,
-—Native of Naples.
37. H . la v e (Pers. syn. 2. p. 78.) Stem suffrutescent, nearly upright,
smooth, branching: branches upright; leaves opposite, sessile, linear, smooth,
revolute at the margin, keeled: upper ones alternate, stipulate; stipules
long, subulate ; flower-stalks solitary, 1-flowered, nearly terminal; calyx
smooth."h.—Native of hills, in Spain. — Cistus laevis. Cavan, ic. 2. p. 35.
t. 145. f. 1.
38. H. viride (Tenor, prodr. fl. neap. p. 31.) Stem suffrutescent, ascending,
smooth; leaves opposite, linear, revolute at the margins, green;
smooth, somewhat mucronate, stipulate ; stipules subulate, much smaller
than the leaves ; flowers in racemes: the flower-stalks and calyx villous and
clammy.1?.—Native of Sicily.—Tenore fl. neap. v. 1. t. 47.
39. H. jtuliperinutii (DC. prodr. 1. p. 275.) Stem suffrutescent, ascending,
branched ; leaves opposite, linearly awl-shaped, fringed, mucronate,
flat, or the margin somewhat revolute : upper ones alternate ; stipules
subulate, the upper ones longest; flowers in a raceme : the flower-stalks
and calyx villous and clammy.1?.—Native of the South of Trance, Italy,
and Barbary.—Barrel, ic. t. 443.—Bractes solitary and linear.
40. H. Barrelieri (Tenor, prodr. fl. neap. p. 31.) Stem suffrutescent;!
erect: branches clothed with shaggy down ; leaves opposite, linearly, oblong,
attenuated to the base, narrow, pubescent, revolute at the margin,
and fringed : upper ones alternate; stipules linearly subulate, erect, mucronate
; racemes few-flowered; flower-stalks and calyx villous and clammy.
jj.—Native of Italy, and Spain.—Barrel, ic. rar. t. 416.—Flowers
yellow. ’
41. H . sy'rticum (Spreng. syst. 2. p., 593.) Suffrutescent, hairy :
branches spreading, clothed with close-pressed white hairs; leaves nearly
sessile, opposite, flattish, the margins revolute, linearly elliptical, clothed
with scattered hairs, underneath hoary : upper ones linear and more acute ;
stipules leaf-like, but not above half the size : the upper ones equal with
the leaves ; flowers in a short raceme, all facing to one side ; sepals.5, very
bristly : inner ones roundly ovate, 5-nerved : outer ones round, very short. 1}.
__Native of the North of Africa.—Cistus syrticus. Vivian, fl. lib. p. 27.
1 .14. f. 2.—Flowers violet?
Sect. V I I I . P seudocistus. Supra fol. 2.
42. H. piloselMdes(DC. prodr.l. p.284.) Suffrutescent; stipules none;
leaves elongately elliptic, blunt, on long footstalks, the upper side green,
underneath clothed with short hoary wool: both sides covered with long-
villous hairs, which are longest on the under side; flowers in panicles, t?.
—Native of the Pyrenees, on sunny rocks : flowers yellow.—Cistus pilo-
selloides. Lapeyrouse.
43. H. molle (Pers. syn. 2. p. 76.) Stem suffrutescent: branches generally
simple, clothed with long hairs ; leaves roundish, ovate, blunt, petio-
late, clothed on both sides with soft woolly hair ; racemes simple, and, with
the calyx, clothed with ash-coloured woolly hairs. ^ .—Native of Spain.—,
Cistus mollis. Cavan, ic. 3. p. 32. t. 262. f. 2.—Bractes subulate, minute,
clothed with woolly hairs, ash-coloured ; flowers yellow.
44. H. origanifolium (Pers. syn. 2. p. 76.) Stem suffruticose, 2-3-
forked ; leaves on foot-stalks, ovate, hairy on both sides; racemes short,
terminal; petals scarcely longer than the—Native of Spain.—
Cistus origanifolius. Cavan, ic. 3. p. 31. t. 262. f. 1.—Calyx oblong; petals
yellow, not above half the size of FI. molli.
45. H. dichotomum (Dunal in DC. prodr. 1. p. 276.) Stem suffrutescent
: branches forked, smoothish ; leaves minute, ovate, acute, smooth,
on short footstalks, the margin revolute ; racemes slender, few-flowered. 1j.
Native of Spain. —Cistus dichotomus., Cavan, ic. 3. p. 32. t. 263. f. 1.—
Flowers small, deep yellow, scarcely so large as the flowers of Spergula
nodosa; leaves small, resembling Thymus piperella.
46. FL penicillatum (DC. prodr. 1. p. 277.) Stem suffrutescent:
branches procumbent, clothed with long bristly hairs; leaves green, clothed
with bristly hairs on the nerves and margins on both sides : lower ones on
footstalks, ovate, smallest: upper ones linearly oblong, nearly sessile; racemes
simple, and with the calyx bristly ; flowers minute, f?.—Native of
Spain, and the South of France.
47. H. obovatum (Dunal in DC. prodr. 1. p. 277.) Stem suffrutescent:
branches spreading, somewhat forked, the points covered with short ash-
coloured wool; leaves obovate, or oblong, blunt, green on both sides,
fringed, and clothed with short hairs : lower ones minute ; racemes simple,
few-flowered : calyx ash-coloured, h a i r y .—Native of Spain, near Aran-
juez.—Leaves on short footstalks.
48. H. itdlicum (Pers. syn. 2. p. 76.) Stem suffrutescent: branches
simple, erect, long, and slender, clothed with woolly hairs; leaves clothed
with bristly hairs, the hairs strigose, and pressed flat to the lea f: lower ones
ovate and smallest: upper ones lanceolate, oblong, or oblongly linear; racemes
simple, and, with the calyx, clothed with bristly hairs, hoary.^.-—
Native of dry places near the Mediterranean.— Cistus italicus. Linn,
spec. 740, Barr. rar. ic. 10. 510. t. 366.
49. H. Sbrrce (Cambessedes mem. mus. v. 14. p. 216. pi. 2.) Stem
short, erect, suffrutescent, branching ; leaves opposite, without stipules, on
short footstalks, somewhat cordately ovate, succulent, smooth, glaucous ;
racemes short, somewhat corymbose; germen 3-celled; style crooked at
the base ; stigma thickened, tj .—Native 'of the Balearic Islands, in sands,
by the sea side, in the large Island between Palmam and Prat.—Nearly
related to H. marifolium.
50. H. marifolium (DC. fl. fr. 4. p. 817.) Stem suffrutescent, procumbent;
leaves without stipules, petiolate, ovately cordate, or ovate, somewhat
acute, upper side green and hairy, underneath hoary; racemes terminal,
solitary, simple, few-flowered. —Native of Italy, Spain, and the
South of France.—Cistus marifolius. Linn. spec. 741. not of English Botany.—
Barrel. rar. ic. 521. t. 441.—Calyx ovately oblong.—We only
know this plant, by Barrelier’s figure, and a specimen of it in Mr. Lambert’s
herbarium; it is not the least like the British plant, figured by this