CISTl'S heterophyllus.
Various-leaved Rock-Rose.
Sect. I. E rythrocistus. Supra, fol. 3.
* Peduncnlis urdjloris,. axillaribus vel terminalibus, solitams,
umbellatisve : stylo cyliudrico sæpè stamiuibus longiore ; stigmate
capitato 5 sulcato. DC. prodr. 1. p. 264.
C. heterophyllus, foliis ovato-lanceolatis breviter petiolatis basi
vaginantibus margine revolutis utrinque viridibus, pedunculis
hirsutis foliosis unifloris 1-2-ternisve, petalis rotundato-obovatis
basi imbricatis.
Cistus heterophyllus. Desf. atL 1. p. 411. t. 104. Pers.syn. .
p. 75. DC. prodr. 1. p. 264. Hort. sub. lond. p. 123. Spreng,
syst. veg. 2. p, 584.
A stiff upright woody shrub, much branched: branches
short and rigid, spreading, of a reddish brown colour,
thickly clothed with a woolly pubescence. Leaves
small, with short petioles, sheathing at the base, very
variable, green on both sides, reticulately veined underneath,
slightly hairy and ciliate, the nerves pubescent
: lower ones round or ovately rounded, obtuse, the
margins slightly revolute ; upper ones lanceolate, more
acute, and the margins much revolute. Petioles very
short, winged, and fringed with long white hairs.
Flowers large, terminating the branches, from 1 to 5,
of a bluish rose-colour. Peduncles of a brownish red
colour, very hairy and rough, one-flowered, with two
leafy bractes about the middle of each. Bractes sessile,
lanceolate, bluntish, hairy and strongly fringed. Calyx
of 5 sepals, outer ones flat, cordately ovate, acute, rigid,
strongly and numerously nerved underneath, hairy on
both sides, and fringed with long white hairs ; 2 mnei
ones concave, membranaceous, pubescent, much veined,
and terminated with a sharp mucro. Petals 5, or
sometimes increased to 6, obovate with rounded points,
much crumpled, margins a little uneven, or slightly
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