HELIANTHEMUM polifolium.
White Mountain Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E u he l ia nthem um . S u p ra f o l . 7.
** P e ta lis albis, roseis, rubris v e l d ilu te sulphureis.
H. polifolium, caule suffruticoso ramoso; ramis procumbentibus dense
tomentosis, foliis oblongo-linearibus margine revolutis utrinque to-
mentoso-incanis, stipulis angusto-linearibus obtusis petiolo longi-
oribus bracteisque tomentosis ciliatis, calycibus tomentosis, petalis
distinctis subcrenulatis.
Helianthemum polifolium. P e r s . syn. 2 . p . 80. S w t. liort. b rit. p . 36.
n. 79.
Cistus polifolius. L inn. spec. 745. Sm ith F lo r. b rit. 576. E n g . bot. 1322.
Comp.Jlor. b rit. e d it. 2. p . 95. Hudson. 234. Withering 492. H u ll
118. D ill.e lth . 175. 1 .1 4 5 ./. 172.
Stem suffrutescent, much branched; branches procumbent,
the points more or less ascending, thickly
clothed with a dense white tomentum. Leaves opposite,
oblongly linear, bluntish, or scarcely acute, the margins
revolute, thickly clothed on both sides with a
hoary white tomentum, so that they are of a greyish
white on both sides, but whitest underneath. Petioles
short, also densely woolly. Stipules narrowly linear,
blunt, a little longer than the petioles, woolly and
fringed. Racemes terminal, many-flowered, nodding,
and the points incurved before expansion, afterwards
becoming erect. Flowers white, nodding before expansion,
erect when in bloom, afterwards reflexed. Bractes
similar to the stipules, shorter than the pedicles, densely
woolly. Pedicles slender, woolly. Calyx of 5 sepals,
densely clothed with a short tomentum, the two outer
ones very small, narrowly linear, bluntish ; inner ones
broadly ovate, obtuse, concave inwards. Corolla of 5