Hoary Sun-Rose.
Sect. V I I I . P seudocistus. Supra fol. 2.
H. canum, caule suflruticoso procumbente ramoso, ramis adscen-
dentibus piloso-toraentosis incanis, foliis obovatis ovatis ovato-ob-
longis vel ellipticis pilosis supra, virescentibus subtus subtomen-
toso-canis, racemis simplicibus dichotomisve, pedicellis calycibus-
que piloso-canescentibus, petalis distinctis patentibus.
Helianthemum canum. Dunal in DC. prodr. 1 .p. 277. Spreng. syst. 2.
p. 590. Swt. hort. brit. p. 35.
Cistus canus. Linn. spec. 740. Jacq. aust. t. 277.
Chamaecistus 3. Clus. hist. p. 74. ic.
A pretty little trailing suffruticose plant : branches
numerous, spreading round in all directions, short and
slender, tinged with red, clothed with a short downy ca-
nescence, and some longish hairs intermixed. Leaves
variable, obovate, ovate, oblongly ovate, elliptic or sometimes
lanceolate, blunt, or the upper ones rather acute,
clothed with bristle-like hairs on both sides, green on
the upper side, but having a whitish appearance, from
the hairs with which the leaves are covered, underneath
clothed with a dense hoary tomentum, large ones three-
nerved from the base, or pennately veined. Petioles flat,
fringed, shorter than the leaves. Racemes terminal, simple
or sometimes forked, several flowered, nodding before
the flowers expansion. Hr actes lanceolate, acute,
fringed. Pedicles slender, hairy, nodding before the expansion
of the flowers, erect when in bloom, afterwards
reflexed. Calyx of 5 sepals, densely clothed with white
hairs ; 2 outer sepals small, blunt ; 3 inner ones roundly
oval, short, concave, strongly nerved, about half the
length of-the petals, densely clothed with spreading
white hairs. Petals 5, distinctly spreading, of a light