nerves prominent, more or less tinged with red. P e tals
5, white, obovate or obcordate, slightly imbricate
at the base, but distinct upwards. Stamens from 30
to 40. Style curved. Stigma capitate. Capsule rough-
ish. Seed brown, margined with a white membranaceous
wing. . Q e
This pretty little shrub is a native of the bouth ot
Europe, and is well adapted for rock-work, but it
requires a little covering in Winter, and it is best to
have some plants of it in pots, and those preserved m
frames in severe weather, to supply the places of any
that may be killed by the severity of the weather; they
succeed well in a light sandy soil, or a mixture of sandy
loam and peat will suit them very well. Cuttings,
planted under hand-glasses in Autumn, will soon strike
root; they may also be raised from seeds, which ripen