bright yellow, with a large brownish purple spot near
the base, lightest on the upper part, and slightly branched.
Stamens about 40, overtopping the stigma, the
inner ones longest: filaments slender, smooth, yellow :
pollen orange-coloured. Germen downy. Style hid by
the large Stigma, which is capitate, slightly 3-lobed,
and papillose.
We believe the present to be the largest flowered species
of the genus, and makes a handsome upright bushy
Shrub, but will scarcely endure our Winters in the open
air without protection; it makes a pretty plant for the
Greenhouse, and succeeds well by the side of a wall m
a southern aspect, so as to be protected with covering
in Winter, thriving well in any rich light soil, and producing
a great quantity of flowers in succession: plants
of it may be preserved in pits or frames through the
Winter, so as to be kept from the frost, they may then
be turned into the borders in Spring, where they will
make a fine appearance in Summer: young cuttings,
planted under hand-glasses in Autumn, soon strike
root; seeds also ripen in abundance; so that any quantity
may be raised; but as the colour of the flowers
vary considerably on different plants, the seeds should
always be saved from those of the brightest colours.
Our drawing was made at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill,
of the King’s Road, Chelsea.