2 outer ones linear, very small; style none; stigma somewhat 3-lobed. 21.—
Native of New Spain.—Moc. et Sesse fl. mex. ic. ined.
We have placed the last three species in this Section, chiefly, because
all the American species we have yet seen, belong to it.
Sect. I I I . T uberaria. Supra folio 18.
12. H. globularirefblium (Pers. syn. 2. p. 77.) Perennial; stems ascending,
simple, upper part nearly naked ; root-leaves with long footstalks,
somewhat spathulate, obtuse : stem ones sessile, acute, the whole hairy ;
flower-stalks in a few-flowered cyme, bearing a bracte at the base ; calyx
smooth. 3/ .—Native of the North of Portugal.-^-Petals yellow, spotted at
the base, or sometimes not spotted; stamens violaceus.
13. H. bupleurifolium (Dunal in DC. prodr. p. 270.) Stem herbaceous,
erect, clothed at the base with a white pubescence : the upper part smooth,
and somewhat glossy ; leaves oblong, acute, smooth, tapering downwards
into a long footstalk : stem ones opposite : the upper ones alternate, and
bearing stipules ; flower-stalks long, clothed with a hairy pubescence; pedicels
and calyx clothed with long hairs. V??—Native of Spain, and Portugal.
—Pedicels without bractes; outer sepalsovate, obtuse, about half the length
of the inner ones, which are acute; stipules long, somewhat linear.
14. H. heterodoxum (Dunal in DC. prodr. p. 270.) Stem erect, herbaceous,
hairy: hairs long, white ; leaves sessile, oblongly lanceolate*
rough, woolly, nerves on the upper side hairy : lower ones opposite : upper
ones alternate, bearing stipules ; racemes secund, hairy, without bractes ;
flowers on short footstalks, near each other, somewhat imbricate p outer
sepals largest, closing in the inner ones, similar to the bractes !®?-t-Na-
tive of Africa, near Valle; also, in Spain.—Outer sepals hairy on both
sides: inner ones smooth inside, glossy, with a membranaceous margin;
capsule somewhat pointed ; seeds numerous, nearly globular, pale yellow,
glaucous, roughish ; flowers yellow.
15. H. plantagmeum (Pers. syn. 2. p. 77.) Stem herbaceous, erect,
hairy; leaves ellipticallylanceolate, opposite, sessile, 3-nerved: underneath
clothed with shaggy wool, hairy on the nerves : upper side hairy, the
hairs simple, and closely pressed to the leaves : upper ones more or less alternate,
oblongly linear, bearing stipules ; racemes short, without bractes ;
outer sepals smoothish, narrowly linear, about equal with the inner' ones,
which are clothed with white shaggy wool; petals slightly toothed.©t-v-j-
Nativeof Crete, Corsica, Spain, and the North of Africa.—Plant clothed
with white hairs ; petals yellow, and not spotted.
16. H. guttcLtum (Mill. diet. n. 18.) Stem herbaceous, annual, somewhat
hairy; leaves opposite, sessile, oblongly linear, 3-nerved, clothed with
shaggy hairs : the extreme upper ones alternate; racemes loose, without
bractes; flower-stalks filiform, nearly naked ; outer sepals about half the
length of the inner ones.0.—Native of England? France, Italy, Spain,
Portugal, and Turkey; but is not H. eriocaulon intended for some of the
above habitats ? Not having seen a wild specimen of the English plant*
we are not certain to which of the two it belongs; the one generally cultivated
in flower borders, is H. eriocaulon, which is readily known by its
very hairy stem, and bracteate racemes; the stem of H. guttdtum being
nearly smooth, and the racemes without bractes.—Petals yellow, with a
dark spot near the base.
17. H. incmspicuum (Pers. syn. 2. p. 77.) Stem slender, herbaceous,
branching, 2-3-forked, thinly hairy; leaves opposite, narrow, oblongly
linear, hairy: upper ones stipulate : extreme upper ones alternate; racemes
long, very slender ; flower-stalks short, all leaning to one side; flowers
minute; petals oblongly linear, smaller than the calyx, every other one
with a hairy margin.0 .—Native of Spain, and Corsica.—Petals yellow.
Sect. IV . Macularia. DC. prodr. 1. p . 271.
Calyx 5-sepalus, sepalis externis angustis, internis striatis. Petala lu-
tea, basi maculata. Stylus rectus erectusque ovario duplb longior, stami-
nibus subsequalis. Stigma parvum, subtrilobum. Capsula laevis.— Suffru-
tices aut herb* ? Folia petiolata,penninervia, angusta, exstipulata. Flores
terminales, solitarii seu racemosi ; racemis paudfloris: pedicelli secundi, basi
bracteati; bracteis subulatis parvulis. DC. prodr. 1. p. 271.
18. H. lunulatum (DC. fl. fr. 4. p. 816.) Stem suffrutescent, somewhat
twisted, branching: branches very slender, pubescent; leaves flat,
oblong, tapering to the base, the margins more or less fringed ; flowers terminal,
on short footstalks, solitary, or from 2 to 4 in a sort of racemed
umbel. 1? .-^Native of the Alps, at Piedmont. All. auct. p. 30. t. 2. f. 3.
4^Calyx when in flower reflexed; petals yellow, nearly entire, or very
slightly notched* marked with a saffron-coloured crescent-shaped spot a little
above the unguis.
19. H . petioldtum. Stem herbaceous? twisted at the base : branches
slender, ascending, somewhat forked, clothed with patches of ash-coloured
wool; leaves oblongly linear, acute, tapering down into a long slender
footstalk, clothed on both sides with leprous patches of wool; the upper
side of a bluish green, underneath hoary; racemes small, few-flowered;
flower-stalks and calyx pubescent.©?—Native of Spain.
Sect. V. B rachypetalum. Supra folio 41.
20. H. villosum (Pers. syn. 2. p. 78.) Stem woolly, with hairs intermixed,
of a sort of ash-colour ; leaves stipulate, petiolate, oblongly lanceolate
y‘«slightly toothed, clothed on both sides, particularly underneath
with long shaggy wool; racemes long, the flowers all leaning to one side
before flowering, revolute at the point, axillary, and terminal; flower-stalks
elect, clothed with ash-coloured shaggy.hairs, nearly opposite the bractes ;
calyx oblong, taper-pointed, clothed with shaggy hairs.©.— Native of
Spain.—Bractes nearly sessile, ovately oblong, sometimes thinly toothed ;
petals lanceolate, narrow, shorter than the sepals, generally toothed, yellow.
21. H .niloticum (Pers. syn. 2. p. 78.) Stem herbaceous: branches
erect, or ascending, clothed with short wool, or ash-coloured shaggy hairs ;
leaves on.short footstalks, opposite, oblongly elliptic, clothed with shaggy
wool: upper ones alternate, opposite to the flowers, all stipulate; flower-
stalks erect, clothed with woolly hairs, as is also the taper-pointed
calyx.©.—Native of Egypt, Barbary, Spain, and the South of France.
(3 procumbens. Stems procumbent, ascending, clothed with woolly
hairs, somewhat hoary, leaves woolly on both sides, particularly underneath.
©.- -Native of the South of France, and, probably, a distinct species ?
- 22. H. intermbdium (DC. prodr. 1. p. 272.) Stem branching, erect,
or spreading and ascendant, clothed with ash-coloured shaggy hairs; leaves
stipulate,petiolate, obovately oblong, bluntish,slightly toothed,veined,thinly
woolly ; stipules linearly oblong, the upper ones scarcely twice the length
of the footstalks ; flower-stalks nearly opposite to the leaves, and, with the
calyx, clothed with ash-coloured shaggy hairs ; calyx oblong.©.—Native
of Spain.—Cistus salicifolius. Cavan, ic. n. 156. 1 .144.—Plant a span