ovate, concave, obtuse, with 3 prominent, more or less
purple nerves, which are slightly hairy, with a few hairs
also at the points. Petals 5, roundly obcordate, slightly
crumpled, imbricate, of a pale rose colour, with an
orange-coloured spot at the base. Stamens from 65 to 70,
about the length of the style : filaments smooth, bright
yellow : pollen yellow. Germen sericeous. Style smooth,
slender and bent at the base, and thickening upwards.
Stigma capitate, papillose.
Our drawing was taken from a plant at the Nursery
of Messrs. Whitley, Brames, and Milne, at Fulham. It
is a native of the South of Europe, and requires a slight
covering in severe frosty weather, but will endure our
mildest Winters in the open air without the least protection.
It thrives well in a light sandy soil, or an equal
mixture of light sandy loam and peat will suit it very
well. It makes a very pretty plant amongst others for
the adorning of rock-work, where it will produce an
abundance of flowers nearly all the Summer; it may
also begrown in small pots, which can be protected from
the severe frost. Young cuttings, planted under handglasses,
from July to September, will strike root readily.