duncles 2 or 3-flowered. Flowers white. Calyx of 5 sepals,
which are villosely hairy, and taper to a long slender
point, the outer ones cordate at the base, and the
margins slightly reflexed, more or less tinged with purple
: inner ones narrower. Petals 5, white, tinged with
red at the points, and a yellow spot at the base, broadly
obovate, imbricate their whole length, spreading flat, or
sometimes slightly cupped. Stamens numerous, spreading,
unequal in length: filaments short, smooth, yellow:
pollen golden yellow. Germen tomentose. Stigma capitate,
sessile, very large, tuberculate.
Our drawing of this rare and very distinct species
was made at the Nursery of Messrs. Whitley, Brames,
and Milne, in July last, the only collection in which
we have ever seen it; but we hope it will now soon become
more plentiful, as it forms a pretty upright bush,
and makes a neat appearance when covered with bloom;
we suspect it will also bear our Winters without protection,
particularly if placed in a sheltered situation,
thriving well in any light sandy soil; and young cuttings,
planted under hand-glasses, in August or September,
will strike root freely.