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CISTUS villosus.
Villous Rocle-£tose.
Sect. I. E rytHrocistus. Supra, fol. 3.
* Pedunculis unifloris, axillaribus vel terminalibus, solitariis um-
bellatisve ; stylo cylindrico soepè staminibus longiore; stigmate capi-
tato 6-sulcato. DC. prodr. 1, p.264.
C. villosus, foliis subrotundo-ovatis planis undulatisve rugosis to-
mentoso-hirtis petiolatis, petiolis basi dilatatis sulcatis subvagi-
nantibus, pedunculis subcymosis unifloris 1-3-nisve, sepalis villosis,
petalis patentissimis basi imbricatis.
Cistus villosus. D C . prodr. 1. p. 264. Lam. diet. 2. p. 12. Willden.
sp. pi. 2. p. 1181. Pers. syn. 2.jo. 74. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 3. p. 303.
Cistus mas major, folio rotundiore. Du Hamel arb. 1. p. 167.1.64.
Stem shrubby, much branched, clothed with a brown
cracked scaly bark: branches opposite, spreading, erect
or ascending, densely clothed with short canescent
wool, and a few longer hairs intermixed. Leaves opposite,
roundly ovate, bluntish, some flat, others undulate,
reticulately veined, rugose, tomentosely hairy, of
a grey or whitish appearance, thickly clothed on both
sides with short stellate hairs, attenuated down the petiole.
Petioles villosely hairy, channelled and dilated
at the base, sheathing the stem. Flowers in a sort of
cyme, rose-coloured, or purple, varying in colour on
different plants. Bractes leaf-like, one at the base of
each peduncle, sessile, lanceolate, taper-pointed. P e duncles
1 to 3-flowered, thickly clothed with spreading
villous hairs. Calyx of 5 sepals, which are cordately
ovate, taper-pointed, thickly clothed with long villous
hairs : outer ones leaf-like, with the margins a little reflexed:
inner ones membranaceous, concave. Petals 5,
much spreading, imbricate at the base, obovate, or ob-
cordate, much crumpled, somewhat crenulate, varying