HELIANTHEMUM diversifolium.
Different-leaved, Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Supra fol. 7.
** Petalis albis, roseis, rubris vel dilute suiphureis.
H. diversifolium, caule suffruticoso adscendente ramoso: ramis
tomentosiusculis erecto-adscendentibus, foliis petiolatis supra viri-
dibus hirsutis subtus tomentoso-incanis : inferioribus ovalibus ob-
longisve obtusis planis: superioribus lineari-lanceolatis acutis
margine revolutis, stipulis lato-lanceolatis ciliatis petiolo 2-3-plo
longioribus, sepalis pilosis, petalis crenulatis distinctis.
Stem suffruticose, rough and rugged, much branched,
ascending: branches erect or ascending, when young
clothed with a thin close-pressed white tomentum,
which wears off, and they then become smooth and
glossy, and are more or less purple. Leaves opposite,
very variable, petiolate, green on the upper side, and
thickly clothed with short stiff hairs: underneath clothed
with a dense white tomentum : lower ones oval,
flat, obtuse, others oblong or oblongly lanceolate, the
upper ones linearly lanceolate, acute, their margins revolute.
Petioles short. Stipules large, broadly lanceolate,
scarcely acute, ciliated with long hairs, two or three
times longer than the petioles. Racemes terminal, very
long, many-flowered, nodding before the expansion of
the flowers, afterwards becoming erect. Bractes lanceolate,
fringed with long hairs, almost as long as the pedicles.
Pedicles densely tomentose, at first nodding,
erect when in bloom, afterwards reflexed. Calyx of 5 sepals,
clothed with long spreading hispid hairs, the two
outer ones very small, ovately oblong, bluntish, fringed,
the inner ones ovate, concave, acute, strongly nerved,