CISTUS salvifolius.
Sage-leaved R ock-Rose.
Sect. II. Led o n ia . Supra fo l. 1
§ 1. Pedunculis unifions, aut multifioris cymosis; sepalis 5, exter-
nis seepiùs cordatis acuminatis ; capsulis ô-locularibus.
* Pedunculis basi nudis, soepè infrà medium folia opposita geren-
C. salvifolius, foliis petiolatis ovatis obtusis rugosis subtus tomento-
sis, pedunculis Jongis tomentoso-albicantibus unifloris superne ar-
ticulatis solitariis. DC. prodr. 1. p. 265.'
Cistus salvifolius. Linn. spec. 738. Willden. sp.pl. 2. p. 1184. Pers.
syn. 2. p. 75. Cavan, ic. 2. p. 31. 1.137. Jacq. coll. 2. p. 120. t. 8.
Spreng. syst. 2. p. 586. Smith Flor. grcec. t. 497.
Stem shrubby,compact,much branched; branches erect
or spreading,densely clothed with bunches of woolly hairs
when young, but losing them and becoming rough when
older, the roughness occasioned by the little tubercles on
which the hairs have been seated. Leaves petiolate, ovate,
obtuse or rounded at the points, becoming narrow towards
the base, more or less rugose, reticulately veined,
clothed with fascicles of short hairs on the upper side,
and of woolly ones underneath, of a pale green colour,
hoary when young, margins sometimes a little undulate,
clothed all round with stellate tufts of hairs. Petioles
short and broadish, channelled on the upper side, and
rounded below, green or sometimes purple, slightly-
winged. Peduncles axillary, jointed, one-flowered,densely
clothed with short woolly hairs. Bractes 2 or 4 near
thfe base of the peduncle, opposite, broadly lanceolate
or ovate, acute. Calyx of 5 sepals, tuberculately rough,
clothed with short hairs, and fringed with stellate bunches
: 3 outer ones broadly cordate, acute, spreading at the
points : the 2 inner ones ovate, concave, taper-pointed.
p 2