Hairy Sun-Hose.
Sect. IX. E u he lianthemum. Supra fol. 7.
** Petalis albis, roseis, rubrisvel dilute sulpkureis.
‘H . pilosum, caule subereclo fruticoso ramoso; ramis elongatis gra-
cilibus verrucosis, foliis petiolatis linearibus margine revolutis
subtus tomentoso-incanis : supra cano-virescentibus apice setosis
stipujis lineari-subulatis petiolo longioribus, racemis laxis pauci-
floris, calycibus striatis pilosiusculis, nervis subviolaceis, petalis
Helianthemum pilosum. Pers. syn. 2.. p. 79. DC. prodr. 1. p. 282.
Swt. hort. hr it. p. 35.
(SVmshrubby, nearly erect, or ascending, branched:
branches long and slender, erect or ascending, smooth
and glossy, or slightly hairy, of a purple, colour, more
or less warted. Leaves petiolate,flinear, bluntish, bristle
pointed, more or less hairy, margins much revolute,
deeply channelled on the upper side, of a whitish green,
occasioned by a dense minute pubescence, underneath
clothed Avith a dense white tomentum. Petioles short,
pubescent. Stipules linear, bluntish, fringed with short
hairs, longer than the petioles. Racemes lax, 3 to 8-
flowered, clothed with a short white tomentum. Bractes
linear, fringed, similar to the stipules. Peduncles slender,
tomentose, nodding before the flowers expand,
scarcely erect when in bloom, afterwards reflexed. Calyx
of 5 sepals, more or less hairy, thinly clothed with
a white tomentum : 2 outer sepals very small and narrow,
concave, bluntish; inner ones membranaceous,
ovate, concave, bluntish, 3-nerved, nerves prominent,
violet coloured. Petals 5, much imbricate, nearly orbicular,
more or less crumpled, of a paper white, stained
with yellow at the base. Stamens from 60 to 70, scarcely
as long as the style: filaments slender, smooth, pale