Rugged-leaved Sun-Rose.
Sect. I. H alimium. Supra f o l . 4.
** S ty lo subnullo, stigm a te magno.
H. rugosum, ramis subhirsutis tomentoso-leprosis scabris fusco-cine-
reis, foliis sessilibus in petiolum attenuatis obovato-oblongis ob-
tusiusculis subobliquis margine denticulato-scabris undulatis sub-
tortis utrinque tomentosis rugosis basi trinerviis, pedunculis ter-
minalibus axillaribusque subpaniculatis 1-2 floris folio brevioribus,
calycibus trisepalis hispido-hirsutis, petalis crenulatis valde im-
Helianthemum rugosum. D u n a l in D C . p ro d r . 1. p . 268. n. 5.
Spreng, sy st. 2. p . 586. Sw t. hort. hrit. p . 34. n. 5.
Stem shrubby, erect or a little flexuose, much branched,
in our specimen from 3 to 4 feet high : branches
spreading, elongated, more or less hairy, and clothed
with a dense leprous tomentum, which by age becomes
of a brownish grey, and is densely spotted with innumerable
minute black specks. Leaves variable, when
young quite white and hairy on both sides, sessile,
obovate, or oblong, more or less undulate and twisted,
a little oblique, three-nerved at the base, very rough and
uneven, the margins very rough or denticulate ; lower
ones shortest and broadest, ovate or obovate, bluntly
rounded, attenuated into a sort of footstalk at the base,
clothed on both sides with a thin white tomentum : the
next are narrower and longer, and less blunt, of a
greener colour, less tomentose, not so narrow at the
base, more undulate and twisted; upper ones, when
young, quite white on both sides, much more hairy, sessile,
and acute: those on the flower-stems quite sessile
and clasping the stem, much broader, ovate, acute,