HELIANTHEMUM d iversifolium p multiplex.
Double-flowered, different-leaved Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E u heua n th emum. Supra fol. 7.
**■ Petalis albis, roseis, rubris vel dilute sulphureis.
H. diver si folium, caule suffrut.icoso arlscendente ramoso: ramis to-
mentosiusculis erecto-adscendentibus, foliis petiolatis supra viridi-
bus hirsutis subtus tomentoso incanis: inferioribus ovalibus oblon-
gisve obtusis planis: superioribus lineari-lanceolatis acutis margine
revolutis, stipulis lato lanceolatis ciliatis petiolo 2-3-plo longiori-
bus, sepalis pilosis, petalis crenulatis distinctis. Nobis in supra
fol. 95.
a simpliciflora, foliis minoribus, floribus simplicibus. Supra 95.
/3 multiplex, foliis majoribus, petalis multiplicibus. Supra 98.
Lady Gardner’s variety. Hortulanorum.
Stem suffruticose, rough, hairy, branched, trailing:
branches ascending or erect, when young clothed with
a close-pressed white tomentum, and longer hairs intermixed.
Leaves opposite, variable, petiolate, hairy,
green on the upper side: underneath clothed with a
short white dense tomentum, flat, or the margins slightly
revolute: lower ones oval or nearly round, obtuse,
others oblongly ovate, or oblongly lanceolate, some of
U10 tipper ones being nearly linear, acute. Petioles short,,
very hairy. Stipules lanceolate, longer than the petioles,
bluntish or scarcely acute, very hairy and fringed. Racemes
terminal, many-flowered, nodding before the flowers
expand, then becoming erect. Bractes lanceolate,
hairy and fringed, acute, at first erect, or the point bent
a little inwards, after the flower is expanded they become
reflexed or slightly revolute at the point. Pedicles
densely clothed with a short tomentum, nodding before
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