CISTUS canescens.
Narrow-leaved hoary Rock-Rose.
Sect. I. E rythrocistus. Supra fo l. 3.
Pedunculis unijdoris, axillaribus vet terminalibus, solitariis um-
oellatisve ; stylo cylindrico soepè staminibus longiore; stigmate cavi-
tato 5-sulcato. DC. prodr. 1. p. 264. '
C. canescens, foins oblongo-linearibus obtusiusculis tomentoso-ca-
nescentibus undulatis subtrinerviis sessilibus subconnatis. pedun-
cnlis terminalibns umfloris aut subcymosis, sepalis ovatis acutis
nervosis stellato-pubescentibus, petalis obovatis distinctis.
L/istus canescens. Swt. hort. brit. p . 468. n. 29.
Cistus mas 2. Clus. hist. 1. p. 69. ic.
Cistus incanus ß. foliis linearibus longis. DC. prodr. 1. p. 264.
Stem, shrubby, nutch branched : branches spreading
densely clothed with fascicles of very short rigid hairs
which are stellately spreading; the leaves, peduncles’
and calyx, all densely covered with the same sort
of hairs, which are so short and close to each other as
to appear like soft down. Leaves sessile, clasping the
stem and connected at the base, oblongly linear, blunt-
lsh, the upper ones more pointed, attenuated a little
towards the base, but not near so much as in C. incanus
some a little undulate, others quite flat, of a white
hoary colour, underneath more or less 3-nerved and
reticulately veined, a little rugose : upper leaves broadest
at the base, with acute points. Flowers terminal
in a sort of cyme on the strong shoots, on the weaker
ones solitary. Peduncles cylindrical, with a leafy bracte
at the base of each. Calyx of 5 sepals, which are ovate
acute, undulate, strongly nerved with 4 to 6 prominent
nerves, inner ones rather smallest and convex, or concave
inside, with needle-shape points. Petals 5, obo-
vate, distinctly spreading, much crumpled, the margins