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CISTUS creticus.
Cretan Rock-Rose.
Sect. I. Erythrocistus. Supra fol. 3. * a
** Pedunculis cymosis aut 1-2-Jloris ; stylo subnullo capitato staminïbus
c. creticus, foliis spathulato-ovatis rugosis scabris tomentoso-hirtis
in petiolum brevem attenuatis margine undulatis, pedunculis sub-
binatis unifloris, sepalis acuminatis villosis, capsula pilosa.
Cistus creticus. Linn. spec. 1 . p.738. Jacq.ic. rar.l. t. 95. Flor. grate,
t. 4 9 5 . Willd. spec. pi. 2 . p. 1186. Pers. syn. 2 . p. 75. Sort. Kew.
edit. 2, v. 3 . p. 306. DC.prodr. 1 . p.264. Spreng. syst. 2 . p. 584.
A handsome upright dwarf bushy Shrub : branches
spreading, thickly clothed with unequal entangled hairs,
the younger ones with spreading villous ones. Leaves
spathulately ovate, bluntly rounded, attenuated into a
sort of petiole towards the base, the lower ones much
broader than the upper ones, reticulately vemed, rugose,
undulate at the margins, of a pale whitish green, or
somewhat canescent, tomentosely hairy, the hairs short
and in irregularly stellate fascicles. Flowers terminal,
solitary, or in pairs, of a purplish red. Peduncles solitary,
or sometimes binate, densely clothed with woolly
hairs, generally one or two flowered. Calyx of 5 sepals,
villosely hairy: sepals ovate, concave inwards, tapering
to a long slender point, strongly nerved with purple
veins: inner ones broadest, more concave, and membranaceous
at the edges. Petals 5, imbricate at the base,
the points distinct, obovate, much undulate and ci uni-
pled, nerved from the base, of a pale reddish purple,
with a pale yellow mark on each at the base. Stamens
numerous : filaments pale yellow, smooth, unequal in